
On this page, you will find information and links to our podcasts, produced by EU Law Live and published on their website as well as on Spotify. We will publish a podcast in October and January, each related to the topics of our seminars.
October podcast episode

We are pleased to share with you our first podcast episode, produced by EU Law Live. The podcast, titled 'The rule of law in Europe: a conversation with Allan Rosas and Miguel Poiares Maduro', and moderated by Daniel Sarmiento, touches on judicial independence, Article 7 TEU, and rule of law enforceability among other interesting topics. 

Please click here to listen to the episode on the EU Law Live website and here to listen to it on Spotify. 

January podcast episode

We are pleased to share with you our second podcast episode, produced by EU Law Live. The episode, titled 'The rule of law in Europe: a conversation with Daniel Halberstam and Paul Nemitz' and moderated by Pekka Pohjankoski, touches on the role of constitutional courts, the conditionality of EU funding, and how to support democracy. 

Please click here to listen to the episode on the EU Law Live website and here to listen to it on Spotify.