Online survey on natural resource extraction

How much would you care about increasing human activities in remote environments like the deep sea? Share your views and participate in an online survey on perceptions of natural resource use

How much would you care about increasing human activities in environments that are far away and you'll probably never visit?

Please take part in a short online survey by doctoral candidate Laura Kaikkonen on perceptions of using natural resources in different environments.  The survey is focussed on public perceptions of different remote environments, and people's views on exploiting them. We are also interested in how people value these different environments even though some might at present be relatively inaccessible.

The survey is available in English, Finnish and French.

Filling out the survey takes around 10 minutes. You don’t need any preparation or previous knowledge to take part in the study, and anyone can participate!  All responses and sharing will be much appreciated!

For more information or any questions regarding the survey, please contact responsible researcher, doctoral candidate Laura Kaikkonen, MSc (laura.m.kaikkonen[at]