ICES WGMABS meeting in Helsinki in November 2017

ICES Working Group on Risks of Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea (WGMABS) is a scientific body for conducting risk assessments in the Baltic Sea.

WGMABS will comprise member country modellers and those involved in the practical preparedness in the case of oil spills and intends to form an advisory group for the area based on the support of regional risk management proposals by stakeholder gurops and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Professor Sakari Kuikka is a chair of the working group and FEM Group hosts a WGMABS meeting in Helsinki. A special day for stakeholders is held on Thursday 9th of November and it focuses on oil spill risks in the Baltic Sea.

If you have questions, feel free to contact Sakari Kuikka, remember everyone is a stakeholder when oil spills in the Baltic Sea are concerned!

Presentations (Athena, room 168 Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, Helsinki)

9.00-9.20 Valtteri Laine, Helcom: Helcom activities and OPEN RISK project

9.20-9.40 Jarmo Häkkinen, Finnish coast guard: Leading in MRO (mass rescue operation) at SEA

10.00-10.20 Ville Estlander, Helsinki city rescue department: Using knowledge in oil combating decision making

10.20-10.40 Anita Mäkinen, Docent, University of Helsinki: Private - public partnership in arctic risk governance

10.40-11.00 Marjukka Porvari: Experiences of John Nurminen Foundation in oil tanker risk governance

11.20-11.40 Henna Malinen, SYKE:  BORIS system as an operational and strategic tool in oil combating decision making

11.40-12.00 Roberto Lencioni, Gard Ltd: P&I-insurance cover and P&I-insurer’s role in oil spill prevention, handling and compensation

12.00-12.20 Sakari Kuikka: Response to talks: does current science support policy needs?

12.20 - 13.20 Discussion and lunch, Restaurant Kaisaniemi (possibillity for press interviews)

Subgroup work to identify knowledge gaps and new research topics in three different themes

13:20-15:00 Floris Goerlandt: Risk identification and risk assessment, 

13:20-15:00 Päivi Haapasaari: risk management and risk governance

13:20-15:00 Mia Pihlajamäki: Risk communication

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee break

15.30 - 17.00 Discussion and summary by theme leaders: input to EU Research Agenda discussion on Friday