Prof. Anna Mauranen is Professor of English. She has directed the compilation of the spoken ELFA corpus and the written WrELFA corpus of academic ELF. Her latest book, Exploring ELF: Academic English shaped by non-native speakers (2012), reports her findings from the ELFA corpus.
Elina Ranta (University of Tampere) draws on data from the ELFA corpus in her PhD thesis, Universals in a Universal Language? – Exploring Verb-Syntactic Features in English as a Lingua Franca (2013). It is available online as a TamPub E-thesis.
Niina Hynninen conducts research in language regulation in ELF. Her PhD thesis, Language Regulation in English as a Lingua Franca: Exploring language-regulatory practices in academic spoken discourse (2013), is available online as an E-thesis.
Kaisa Pietikäinen applies conversation analysis to studying ELF in private contexts, namely ELF used as the "couple tongue" in cross-cultural love relationships. Her thesis, English as a Lingua Franca in Intercultural Relationships : Interaction, Identity, and Multilingual Practices of ELF Couples, is available online as an E-thesis.
Jaana Suviniitty is a lecturer at the Aalto University Language Centre. Her PhD thesis, Lectures in English as a Lingua Franca: Interactional Features (2012), is available online as an E-thesis.
Diane Pilkinton-Pihko has investigated ELF lecturers' self-assesments of their language use at the Aalto University School of Science. Her thesis, English-medium instruction: Seeking assessment criteria for spoken professional English (2013), is also available as an E-thesis.