
Check out the list of events that project members have been involved in!

ELF-themed seminar

Prof. Anna Mauranen holds an ELF-themed seminar for researchers at all levels once a month at the University of Helsinki. This is our main forum for sharing and discussing our ongoing research. Undergraduate students are also very welcome, and interested students from the Dept. of Modern Languages should contact Prof. Mauranen for details on upcoming meetings.

Helsinki Summer School course English as a Lingua Franca and Multilingualism

An intensive course English as a Lingua Franca and Multilingualism is offered by researchers from the ELFA project in the Helsinki Summer School. The course examines the phenomenon of English as a lingua franca from the perspective of multilingualism.

Changing English conference

In cooperation with our partners in the GlobE consortium, members of the ELFA project organised the conference "Changing English: Contacts & Variation" (ChangE 2013) from 10 to 12 June 2013 at the University of Helsinki. See the GlobE conference website for more information on topics and plenary speakers.

GlobE consortium seminar

Members of the GlobE consortium from Helsinki, Tampere and Joensuu met for a two-day research seminar on 13–14 June 2012 at the University of Helsinki. See the seminar page for a list of presentations with their Powerpoint slides.

First ELF Forum 2008

The first international ELF Forum was held at the University of Helsinki in March 2008. See the conference webpage for information on the conference publication and a sample of extended abstracts.