HEPP4 conference takes place 11-13 December 2023

We are excited to invite you to our HEPP4 conference in December 2023. The call for papers starts in early 2023.

Currently, Helsinki is bathing in snow, but we have no guarantee of a white conference in this exciting dark period of the year. Plans are being prepared for a seminar trip further north to secure access to snow. The conference will be organised on-site primarily but also with hybrid options. Check out the website for our past conferences and the forthcoming call,

We will soon open our call for papers and panels pages and give more info about the programme, registration etc. In the meantime, you are welcome to follow us on our main webpage, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Thanks to everyone taking part in HEPP3 in June! We have the keynote speeches from the conference available online on our Youtube page here

We look forward to the next edition!