
Contact details.

Director of the research group

Professor Niklas Ravaja
Phone: +358-50-3605191

Mailing address

Emotional Interaction and eHealth
Faculty of Medicine
POB 21
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

Visiting address

Department of Psychology
Haartman Institute / Medicum
Haartmaninkatu 3
FI-00290 Helsinki

Location of laboratories

The laboratories are located on the Meilahti campus, in the F-wing of Haartman institute (address: Haartmaninkatu 3), which is easiest to reach from the Topeliuksenkatu side. The F door is open on weekdays 9–17. If you're coming as a test subject, you can enter through the F door and wait in the lobby to be picked up by the experimenter.

Directions to the labs