
Emerging infectious diseases are infections that have lately emerged within a population or those whose occurrence or geographic variety is rapidly increasing or threatens to increase in the near future.

Emerging infectious diseases represent a significant and growing challenge for global health. These diseases can suddenly appear within a population or spread rapidly across new geographic regions, posing a severe threat to public health. Examples of such diseases include the recent SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in China, the global outbreak of avian influenza, the MERS coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, and the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. These instances highlight the urgent need for rapid detection, effective communication, and the swift development of diagnostics, vaccines, and antiviral treatments.

Our research group is dedicated to studying emerging infectious diseases caused by viruses and other pathogens in both humans and animals. Our mission is to enhance the understanding of these diseases, improve early detection methods, and contribute to the development of effective solutions to mitigate their impact. Additionally, we embrace the One Health approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health.

Focus Areas

Early Detection

Early detection is crucial in managing and controlling infectious diseases. Our team works on developing advanced diagnostic tools that can quickly and accurately identify pathogens. By improving detection capabilities, we aim to reduce the time between the emergence of a disease and the implementation of effective control measures. This rapid response can significantly limit the spread and impact of infectious diseases.

Research and Development

Our research spans the molecular, clinical, and epidemiological aspects of emerging infectious diseases. We explore the mechanisms by which pathogens evolve and spread, aiming to understand their behavior and interaction with hosts. 

One Health Approach

The One Health approach is integral to our research, recognizing that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. We investigate how environmental changes, animal health, and human health are interconnected, aiming to develop holistic strategies that address the root causes of emerging infectious diseases. This interdisciplinary approach enhances our ability to predict, prevent, and respond to outbreaks.

Public Health Preparedness

Preparedness is essential to mitigate the impact of emerging infectious diseases. Our group collaborates with public health agencies, policymakers, and other research institutions to develop strategies for outbreak response. We provide insights and recommendations based on our research findings to help shape public health policies and response plans.

Education and Outreach

We believe in the power of knowledge sharing and community engagement. Our group is committed to educating the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers about emerging infectious diseases. Through seminars, workshops, and publications, we disseminate our research findings and provide guidance on best practices for disease prevention and control.

Our Mission

The mission of the Emerging Infections Group is to accelerate biomedical research on emerging infections and enhance global preparedness for future outbreaks. By focusing on early detection, cutting-edge research, public health preparedness, the One Health approach, and education, we strive to make a significant impact on global health. Our ultimate goal is to develop solutions that can prevent the spread of infectious diseases, protect public health, and save lives.

In a world where emerging infectious diseases can rapidly cross borders and affect populations worldwide, our work is more important than ever. We are dedicated to advancing the field of infectious disease research and contributing to a healthier, safer future for all.