The DogRisk Seminar brings together researchers, veterinarians, dog enthusiasts and anybody with an interest in multidisciplinary research on the relationships between diet and disease in humans and pets to explore the latest findings in canine nutrition, health, and disease prevention. First held in 2017, the seminar serves as a platform to present groundbreaking research and foster discussions on these critical themes, aiming to advance knowledge and promote practices that enhance the well-being of pets and humans globally.
8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.15 Why we need a seminar for raw food and feeding, program, welcome - Anna Hielm-Björkman, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki (UoH)
9.15-10.00 Which bowl of food does the dog select? Instinctive diet selection in the domestic dog - Mark Roberts, PhD student; AgResearch/ Massey University, New Zealand (NZ)
10.00-10.45 The effect of fibre inclusion in raw red meat diets on faecal parameters, including the microbiome –Nina Butowski, PhD Student, AgResearch, Massey, NZ
10.45-11.15 Coffee and interaction
11.15-12.00 Effects of raw meat structure on feeding behaviour in domestic cats – Professor Dave Thomas, Massey University, NZ (Massey/Wageningen project)
12.00-12.45 The associations between foods and diets versus different neoplasias and cancers- data from the DOGRISK questionnaire - Anna Hielm-Björkman, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UoH
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45–14.30 The role of the PFMA (Pet Food Manufacturors Association) Raw Group in raising standards, promoting responsible raw feeding, educating stakeholders, and monitoring the commercial raw market - Michael Bellingham, PFMA Chief executive, also heading the PFMA raw pet food group, London, Great Britain.
14.30–15.00 What has so far been reported on pathogenic bacteria in pet food and their transmission to humans – do we know if there is a real risk? – Professor Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa, Dept. of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, UoH
15.00-15.30 Coffee and interaction
15.30–16.15 Greetings from clients, vets and nutritionists to the raw food industry - All researchers and nutrition consults
16.15–17.00 General discussion, Q&A, what now?
19.00 Dinner
8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.15 Why we need a seminar for raw food and feeding, program, welcome - Anna Hielm-Björkman, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UoH
9.15-10.00 Raw diet and immunity in dogs - Johanna Anturaniemi, M.Sci (animal breeding, genetics), PhD student (animal nutrition), student of DVM, UoH
10.00-10.45 Hematology and clinical chemistry in dogs eating different kind of diets - Camilla Frisk DVM-student, UoH
10.45-11.15 Coffee and interaction
11.15-12.00 Targeted Metabolomics analysis for determining metabolic changes after a high fat, low carb raw food diet compared to a low fat, high carb dry diet - Robin Moore, M.Sci student, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, UoH
12.00-12.45 Ideas on how dog and cat food metabolism might really work and what is a keto-genic diet in dogs? - Anna Hielm-Björkman, UoH
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.30 Five Conditions to Think Raw - Dr. Nick Thomson, BSc (Hons) Path Sci., BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS. President Raw Feeding Veterinary Society
14.30–15.00 What you or your clients need to know about switching to raw – safely - Malin Ekblom, Raw food author and consultant, Finland.
15.00-15.30 Coffee and interaction
15.30–16.15 Instinctive diet selection in the domestic dog – Mark Roberts (PhD student; AgResearch/ Massey University, NZ) OBS: Same lecture as Friday morning!
16.15–17.00 The effect of fibre inclusion in raw red meat diets on faecal parameters, including the microbiome –Nina Butowski, PhD Student, AgResearch, Massey University, NZ OBS: Same lecture as Friday morning
Click on the link below to explore a OneDrive folder containing all the available materials and resources from the seminar.