The Future of Work, Climate Change, and Continuous Learning for Sustainable Development

Wel­come to the Finnish Educational Research Association Conference 15-16.12.2020.

We warmly invite you to submit abstracts to thematic group The Future of Work, Climate Change, and Continuous Learning for Sustainable Development

Abstract Deadline 27.9.2020

The conference will be held online!

Great changes, such as digitalisation, globalisation, circular economy, and climate change are reshaping working life. New technologies and better resource-efficiency can benefit not only the climate and nature, but can also be economically profitable and foster solutions to improve employment rates (Konst, Friman & Scheinin, 2020). New types of work are created and workers needed for the research, development, production, and servicing of new forms of energy and resource-efficient solutions. A report by the Finnish Parliament’s Committee for the Future (Linturi & Kuusi, 2018) lists new professions such as carbon footprint analyst, local service mediator, and wind turbine maintenance worker.

The future of work requires life-long (or continuous) learning. According to a survey by Sitra (2019), Finnish adults have a positive outlook on life-long learning. Formal degrees are important but not always sufficient on their own, and they do not necessarily respond quickly enough to the requirements of a changing working life. Education or incentives are not always channeled to the most in need. Competence amasses to the few, and those most in need of education are difficult to reach (OECD, 2020). Hence, it is important to remember that new competences and new solutions for the challenges of the future of work are often created at workplaces and on the job, often in collaborations of workers and networks, learning together.

The thematic group calls for presentations that examine continuous learning and the future of work across disciplinary boundaries. We hope to see presentations engaging in conversations on climate responsibility, the future of work, learning and competence development, and the needs, goals, results, and methods involved from the perspective of research or practice. The purpose of the group is to bring together and shine a light on research related to the future of work and climate change, continuous learning, and competence development.

Konst, T., Friman, M. & Scheinin, M. (2020). Muuttuva työ ilmastonmuutoksen aikana – miten ammattikorkeakoulutus reagoi? HAMK Unlimited Journal 23.3.2020.

Linturi, R. & Kuusi, O. (2018). Suomen sata uutta mahdollisuutta 2018–2037: yhteiskunnan toimintamallit uudistava radikaali teknologia. Helsinki, Tulevaisuusvaliokunta, 2018. Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu 1/2018. Haettu 20.3.2020

OECD (2020). Continuous Learning in Working Life in Finland. Getting Skills Right. OECD Publishing: Paris.

Sitra (2019). Elinikäinen oppiminen Suomessa 2019 -kyselyn tulokset. Helsinki: Sitra. Haettu 9.3. 2020 osoitteesta


For more information

Essi Ryymin, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu,

Liubov Vetoshkina, Helsingin yliopisto,

Sami Paavola, Helsingin yliopisto,