EpiDoc and Treebanking training workshop

PapyGreek, an ERC Starting Grant Project, is organizing a four-day training workshop on EpiDoc and Treebanking on April 8 - 11, 2019. The workshop introduces participants to the basics of XML and markup and provides hands-on experience of tagging textual features and object description in EpiDoc, as well as in use of the tags-free Papyrological Editor. The workshop also introduces the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank guidelines and experience on Sematia/PapyGreek interface as well as the process of annotation in the Perseids/Arethusa platform.

EpiDoc is an international, collaborative effort that provides guidelines and tools for encoding scholarly and educational editions of ancient documents. It uses a subset of the Text Encoding Initiative's standard for the representation of texts in digital form and was developed initially for the publication of digital editions of ancient inscriptions. Its domain has expanded to include the publication of papyri and manuscripts (e.g. Papyri.info). It addresses not only the transcription and editorial treatment of texts themselves, but also the history and materiality of the objects on which the texts appear (i.e., manuscripts, monuments, tablets, papyri, and other text-bearing objects).

“Treebanking” is used as a shorthand for morphosyntactic annotation according to the Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank (AGLDT) Guidelines. The Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (PapyGreek) project at the University of Helsinki is focused on treebanking papyrus documents within Sematia/PapyGreek interface.

The venue for the workshop is Tieteiden talo (House of Science and Letters), Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, Finland. The workshop consists of four full days (9 am–4 pm) on digital text markup for epigraphic and papyrological editing and morphosyntactic annotation.  No prior technical skills are required, but a working knowledge of Greek or Latin, epigraphy or papyrology and the Leiden Conventions will be assumed. The workshop is open to participants of all levels, from graduate students to professors or professionals. The language of the workshop is English.

Participation is free of charge. Please fill in the e-form (closed) to apply by February 28th at the latest. We will notify the selected participants during the following week.




Gabriel Bodard (Institute of Classical Studies, London)

Simona Stoyanova (King’s College London)

Polina Yordanova (University of Helsinki)

Marja Vierros (University of Helsinki)


Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (University of Helsinki)

Foundation Institutum Romanum Finlandiae

EpiDoc: http://epidoc.sourceforge.net/

PapyGreek: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/digital-grammar-of-greek-docu…

AGLDT: https://perseusdl.github.io/treebank_data/

Perseids: http://sites.tufts.edu/perseids/

Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri -ERC funded project

The aim of the PapyGreek project is to transform the existing digital corpus of Greek documentary papyri so that it yields to computational linguistic methods. This transformation project serves Greek and general historical linguistics, for whom the papyrological material has so far been very difficult to utilize. After the transformation process, we can study the linguistic variations in the papyrological material, which again leads to more precise knowledge on the developments of the Greek language. PapyGreek is lead by Associate Professor of Classical Philology Marja Vierros.