Biking as part of sustainable urban mobility (2017-2019)



Urban mobility is globally facing big challenges in order to become more sustainable both environmentally and socially. Increasing the share of less-polluting and healthier travel modes – such as cycling - is a top priority in many urban regions; also in Helsinki region.

As a continuation for our previous research on multimodal accessibility, this project focused on sustainable urban mobility and accessibility from the point of view of cycling.

We aimed at

  • (a) understanding and modelling urban accessibility from cyclists’ perspective;
  • (b) studying Helsinki´s new bike sharing system and understanding how cycling in connection with public transport can ease the daily mobility of residents; and
  • (c) exploring the potential of social media data to provide new insights for cycling planning.

In all, the project explored possibilities of different, novel data sources for producing new insights into cycling as part of sustainable urban mobility and understanding of spatio-temporal patterns of cycling in the Helsinki region.. The datasets included for example sport application data (Strava metro) and bike-sharing system data from Helsinki. The project was funded by Helsinki Metropolitan Region Urban Research Program (Katumetro)


A joint report was published with the City of Helsinki focusing on the routes and fluency of cycling in Helsinki.

There are four published MSc theses who worked within the project, with following topics:


Following people were involved in the project: