On the advisory board and notes on the next steps

Crosslocations -TTT Advisory board and External expert's meetings in Helsinki 28-30 August 2017

In August Advisory Board met in Helsinki for the second time, and that event was held just after a special workshop that brought together our current group of ‘External Experts,’ though we are still searching for an alternative name for them. The following were present for those meetings: Tapio Berschewsky, Claire Bullen, Morgan Clarke, Jane Cowan, Ismail Erturk Mehrnoosh, Farmfazar, Massimo Fichera, Mark Goodale, Christoffer Kølvraa, Lena Malm, Merete Mazzarella, Susana Narotzky, Vlad Naumescu, Tuija Pulkkinen, Philippe Rekacewics, James Scott, Lydia Smith, and Joseph Viscomi.


Following discussions in the meeting, working groups will be formed to focus on each of the locating regimes. Members of the Boards will be contacted with more information soon. We anticipate that the groups will be formed around the following Locating Regimes: Environment and Agriculture; Finance and Banking; Infrastructure; Trade and Logistics; Language; Law, Bureaucracy and Borders; and Religious structures.