In our work on metadata, we have harmonized and studied, for example, Fennica, Kungliga, Heritage of the Printed Book (by CERL) and ESTC catalogues. Within past couple year we have put particular efforts on the ESTC and are fast approaching a serious analysis phase on the publishers, edition field and authors in early modern Britain and North-America. One important objective is also to combine the ESTC metadata to full-texts of ECCO that we are also studying. It is our assumption that this will also change the way that one uses big historical data sets, such as ECCO, in text mining. This is something that regards everyone in digital humanities, so stay tuned!
Besides the mentioned funded projects, Helsinki Computational History Group collaborates actively with different partners from various countries and backgrounds. We are also constantly looking for new collaborators and partners, so please get in touch!
In 2016, Helsinki Computational History Group was awarded an Open Science and Research Award by Finnish Ministry of Education.