
The Discovery Research Group has hosted a diverse set of researchers and produced 20+ PhDs in different areas of AI and data science.
Professor Hannu Toivonen

Prof. Hannu Toivonen works in the areas of artificial intelligence and data science, more specifically in computational creativity and data mining. He has introduced and solved several novel research problems in the area of data mining since the field was born in early 1990s; his definitions and algorithms have become standard references and textbook material in the field. He has since developed applications of data mining for gene mapping, context-aware computation, document analysis and summarisation, and computational creativity.

The current research focus of Hannu Toivonen is on computational creativity. Hannu has served as Programme Chair of ECML/PKDD 2002, IEEE ICDM 2014, ICCC 2015 and IJCAI 2022 AI, the Arts & Creativity Special Track.

  1. Dr. Kari Vasko, PhD 2004
    Computational methods and models for paleoecology
  2. Dr. Petteri Sevon, PhD 2004
    Algorithms for Association-Based Gene Mapping
  3. Dr. Mika Raento, PhD 2007
    Exploring privacy for ubiquitous computing: Tools, methods and experiments
  4. Dr. Kimmo Hätönen, PhD 2009
    Data mining for telecommunications network log analysis
  5. Dr. Kari Laasonen, PhD 2009
    Mining Cell Transition Data
  6. Dr. Petteri Hintsanen, PhD 2011
    Simulation and graph mining tools for improving gene mapping efficiency
  7. Dr. Fang Zhou, PhD 2012
    Methods for Network Abstraction
  8. Dr. Mika Timonen, PhD 2013
    Term Weighting in Short Documents for Document Categorization, Keyword Extraction and Query Expansion
  9. Dr. Lauri Eronen, PhD 2013
    Computational methods for augmenting association-based gene mapping
  10. Dr. Esther Galbrun, PhD 2014
    Methods for Redescription Mining
  11. Dr. Joonas Paalasmaa, PhD 2014
    Monitoring Sleep with Force Sensor Measurement
  12. Dr. Laura Langohr, PhD 2014
    Methods for Finding Interesting Nodes in Weighted Graphs
  13. Dr. Oskar Gross, PhD 2016
    Word Associations as a Language Model for Generative and Creative Tasks
  14. Dr. Jukka Toivanen, PhD 2016
    Methods and Models in Linguistic and Musical Computational Creativity
  15. Dr. Anna Kantosalo, PhD 2019
    Human-Computer Co-Creativity: Designing, Evaluating and Modelling Computational Collaborators for Poetry Writing
  16. Dr. Khalid Alnajjar, PhD 2021
    Computational Understanding, Generation and Evaluation of Creative Expressions
  17. Dr. Simo Linkola, PhD 2022
    Creative Systems, Agents and Societies: Theoretical Analysis Tools and Empirical Collaboration Studies
  18. Dr. Elaine Zosa, PhD 2023
    Analysis of News Media with Topic Models
  19. Dr. Leo Leppänen, PhD 2023
    Methods for Automated Generation of Natural-Language Reports
  20. Dr. Eliel Soisalon-Soininen, PhD 2023
    Neural Transfer Learning for Truly Low-Resource Scenarios in Natural Language Processing
  21. Sardana Ivanova, PhD 2024
    Language Technology Tools for Low-Resource Languages—Five Cases for Sakha, Norwegian, and Finnish
Past Postdocs
  • Dr. Floris Geerts, postdoc (9/2002-4/2004)
  • Dr. Bart Goethals, postdoc (1/2003-9/2004)
  • Dr. Päivi Onkamo, postdoc (11/2002-12/2004)
  • Dr. Sebastien Mahler, postdoc (2/2009-7/2010)
  • Dr. Fang Zhou, postdoc (9-12/2012)
  • Dr. Alessandro Valitutti, postdoc (8/2011-12/2013)
  • Dr. Ping Xiao, postdoc (1/2014-9/2016)
  • Dr. Sirpa Riihiaho, postdoc (6/2017-2/2018)
  • Dr. Myriam Munezero, postdoc (1/2017-10/2018)
  • Dr. Hadaytullah Kundi, postdoc (8/2017-2/2019)
  • Dr. Mark Granroth-Wilding, postdoc (8/2016-7/2021)
  • Dr. Michele Boggia, postdoc (12/2020-8/2021)
  • Dr. Lidia Pivovarova, postdoc (4/2019-12/2021)
  • Dr. Simo Linkola, postdoc (5/2022-4/2023 )