
We are currently involved in the following projects.

In the Adaptive and intelligent data (AIDA) project we propose a radical paradigm shift by making the data in the network to be the key entity. Naturally, this requires some “smartness” in the network in order to allow for complicated processing of data, but conceptually this shifts the control from the network to the data (and the creator of the data). AIDA will use compu- tational capabilities of network elements as naturally as passive packets have used transmission capacity of links and buffer space in routers in the past. We will achieve this by introducing artificial intelligence into the network and exploit the learning and adaptation possibilities that it offers. Combining AI, machine learning, and similar adaptation technologies with Internet net- working is a new area of research, both in AI as well as in networking. The key research question we seek to answer is how can artificial intelligence help make the network and its services better, both for the users and network operators alike. 

AIDA is part of the AIPSE program (Novel Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Physical Sciences and Engineering Research) funded by the Academy of Finland.


The goal of the BCDC Energy research project is to seek solutions for using solar and wind power as extensively and cost-effectively as possible.

The project combines market mechanisms with next-generation ICT and digital services, and more accurate weather forecasts.

The management and optimisation of renewable, small-scale energy production and cloud services will be made more efficient.

The outcome will be a modern online store for selling and buying consumer electricity and small-scale electricity production.


CleanSky ITN aims to develop innovative ideas in the emerging areas within the “eco-system” of cloud computing: data center evolution, consolidation and service migration, and beyond, via structural training of young researchers. To achieve this goal, a unique combination of academic institutions and industrial organizations will collaborate together and create a multidisciplinary (computer science, telecommunications, scientific computing and optimization theory), international (four European countries plus USA and China) and intersectoral (public and private; education and industry) environment to embed a pool of young researchers for innovative research in cloud computing.

The specific S&T objectives of CleanSky are to develop innovative methodologies and approaches (i) to satisfy application requirements and ensure efficiency within the emerging cloud computing paradigm, (ii) to optimize the energy and provisioning costs of individual data centers, (iii) to consolidate, when necessary, multiple data centers to a small set of cloud data center sites through service migration and cloud resource pooling, and (iv) to exploit renewable energy sources in cloud data centers. 


In the “Where’s My Data?” (WMD) project we investigate distributed data management in edge com- puting environments, targeting Industrial Internet applications. We have two key objectives in the project. First, we strive to obtain fundamental understanding on the inherent tradeoffs between various data management and placement options in edge computing, and develop appropriate methods for managing the data. Of particular interest to us are the tradeoff between accuracy and latency, as well as the role of centralized cloud computing components in the system. Second, using two Industrial Internet application scenarios, we validate our data management methods by mapping them onto their requirements and perform successive iterations to improve the methods. Our goal is to obtain an under- standing of what data management methods are sufficiently generic to be used by any Industrial Internet edge computing application and which methods need specific tailoring to a particular scenario. Our results will also give insight into what kinds of edge and cloud computing architectures are most suita- ble for Industrial Internet and other similar applications.