Symposiumin tarkoituksena on luoda katsaus kehityksellisen lukivaikeuden tämänhetkisiin tutkimusaiheisiin ja uusiin löydöksiin mm. kognitiivisen aivotutkimuksen, neuropsykologian ja genetiikan kentillä. Erityisenä kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat kehittyvät kielelliset ja lukitaidot lapsuuden aikana. Tarkemman ohjelman puhujineen löydät sivun alalaidasta.
Symposiumiin toivotaan myös posteriesityksiä lukivaikeuden ja lukitaitojen aihepiireistä. Ilmoittautuminen symposiumiin tapahtuu e-lomakkeella, jonka avulla voit jättää myös posteriabstraktisi (max 200 sanaa). E-lomakkeen löydät täältä
Posteriabstraktien viimeinen lähetyspäivämäärä on 31.10.2017 ja tiedot hyväksytyistä postereista ilmoitetaan marraskuun alussa. Ilmoittautuminen symposiumiin 15.11.2017 mennessä.
Dyslexia, brain, and cognition – current questions, November 24, 2017 in Helsinki
On November 24, 2017, a one-day symposium "Dyslexia, brain, and cognition - current questions" will be organized at the University of Helsinki, Finland. The symposium organized by Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU) and CICERO Learning Network is open to scholars and students free of charge. It aims to offer a glance at the current research topics and novel findings on developmental dyslexia in the fields of, e.g., cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, and genetics, with a focus on the developing language and reading skills during childhood. For more detailed programme with speakers, please scroll down.
The symposium also welcomes poster presentations around the topics of dyslexia and reading skills. Please register and submit your poster submissions (abstracts of max 200 words) via online form here:
The deadline for the poster abstracts is October 31, 2017, and information on poster acceptance will be announced in the beginning of November. Registrations to the symposium should be made by November 15, 2017.
9:00–10:00 Registration and coffee (Lobby, K1 Floor, Minerva Building, Siltavuorenpenger 5A)
10:00 Opening words, Research Director Mari Tervaniemi (Minerva Plaza, K2 Floor, Minerva Building, Siltavuorenpenger 5A)
10:15–11:15 Neurocognitive risk factors for dysfluent reading and challenges of slow reading in new learning environments, Professor Paavo Leppänen and Information searching in learning disabled children: Eye movements reveal reading strategies, PhD. Jarkko Hautala
11:15–12:15 Adult dyslexia and AD/HD: differences and similarities, Professor Marja Laasonen and Predicting different aspects of reading skills from preschool to fifth grade, Doctoral Student Piia Turunen
12:15–13:15 Lunch (At your own expense. E.g. Unicafe Olivia on Minerva's 1st floor)
13:15–14:15 Keynote lecture: Molecular genetics and neurobiology of dyslexia, Professor Juha Kere
14:15–15:15 Dyslexia and speech perception, PhD. Jarmo Hämäläinen and Foreign-language learning in dyslexia, Doctor Sari Ylinen
15:15 Break
15:30–16:30 Promises of music for infants at risk of dyslexia, PhD. Paula Virtala and Speech processing deficits in newborns with a familial risk of dyslexia, Doctoral Student Anja Thiede and Associations between neural speech processing and prelinguistic communication in infants at risk of dyslexia, Doctoral Student Linda Lönnqvist
16:30-18:00 Poster presentations and closing words