About CICERO Learning

CICERO Learning is a network for distinguished researchers and research groups on learning.

The researchers of the network are based in different universities and research institutes in Finland. The network builds co-operation with research groups and units around the world.

Currently CICERO Learning Network members are University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Aarhus University, Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus, University of Eastern Finland, University of Lapland, University of Oulu, Stockholm University, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. CICERO Learning Network was established in 2006, and is coordinated by the University of Helsinki.

CICERO Learning network promotes cutting edge research on learning across the boundaries between diverse scientific fields. The network aims to nurture academic innovations and synergies among research communities, businesses and industry, for the benefit of the Finnish society in particular and global community in general.

Research focuses are: Arts and Media Education, Brain and Learning, Learning Analytics, Games and Learning, Life-long Learning and Special Education.

Board of Members

Each partner of CICERO Learning Network has a representative at the board of members. The University of Helsinki is the coordinating partner and has five representatives.


Dean of the Faculty of Education, Professor Johanna Mäkelä, University of Helsinki


Auli Toom, University of Helsinki

Hannele Niemi, University of Helsinki

Minna Huotilainen, University of Helsinki

Teija Kujala, University of Helsinki

Eija Kärnä, University of Eastern Finland

Eija Zitting, Aalto University

Elvira Brattico, Aarhus University

Heli Ruokamo, University of Lapland

Johanna Kaakinen, University of Turku

Matti Laine, Åbo University

Mila Hakanen, Research Foundation for Studies and Education OTUS

Shu-Nu Chang-Rundgren, University of Stockholm

Board of Directors


Dean of the Faculty of Education, Professor Johanna Mäkelä, University of Helsinki


Elvira Brattico, Aarhus University

Mila Hakanen, OTUS

Heli Ruokamo, University of Lapland

Eija Zitting, Aalto University

Auli Toom, University of Helsinki

Minna Huotilainen, University of Helsinki

Hannele Niemi, University of Helsinki

Teija Kujala, University of Helsinki

Sari Ylinen, University of Helsinki

Coordination Unit

Research Director Mari Tervaniemi


Phone: +358 2941 29456

Web: Research Portal

Project Coordinator Janne Loisa


+358 50 376 8490

Project Coordinator Sara Miyabe (On maternity leave)


Phone: + 358 2941 57764

Facebook: facebook.com/cicerolearning

Twitter: CICERO_Learning