Interactive Technology in Education (ITE) Researcher Meeting 2018

The 18th Interactive Technology in Education (ITE) Researcher Meeting will take place on 11 April 2018 in Hotel Aulanko, Hämeenlinna, Finland. It is organized by University of Tampere Research Centre TRIM and CICERO Learnign Network.

Call for Papers 1 January – 18 February, 2018

This year’s ITE Researcher Meeting is the 18th of its kind. Every year around 70 researchers and developers in the field of information and communication technology in educational use gather together at ITE Researcher Meeting to discuss the newest developments in the field. Please join us this year to present the results of your research and discuss the current state and the future of educational technology with other experts.

It is hoped that the submitted papers clarify the possibilities and limitations of the use of ICT in learning, teaching, communality, and interaction. Interdisciplinary research projects are particularly welcome. Application to the event is a 1-2 page abstract and the selected full papers will be published as a journal-publication (JUFO classification 1).

Abstracts should be sent using the electronic form.

Electronic form:

Abstracts are evaluated with Blind Review method and they will be distributed to all participants at the Researcher Meeting.

Important dates for ITE Researcher Meeting:

1 Jan – 28 Feb             Call for Papers

6 March                       Announcements on accepted papers

1 Feb – 26 Mar           ITE -conference and Researcher Meeting registration

31 Mar                         Finalized abstracts delivered to organizers

11 April                        Researcher Meeting

Tentative timetable for articles (JUFO-1) will be announced later.

More information:     University of Tampere

                                      Tampere Research Center for Information and Media (TRIM)

                                      Jarmo Viteli, +358 500 731 23

                                      Anneli Östman, +358 50 437 2649