Call for Papers!

Next Generation Government Symposium (NGGS) will take place in Tallinn, Estonia from 14 to 15 September 2021.

This conference brings together stakeholders from academia, government, and the private sector in a symposium format to better understand next-generation government issues from interdisciplinary perspectives in technology, education, government, and law. No longer can siloed approaches suffice for responding to society’s problems. Collaborative visions for the next generation of technology and architecture ensure not only the public sector’s delivery of e-services and participating citizens but securing the healthy operation of the nation-state itself.

This symposium is open for paper submissions by Masters and PhD students and the topics are as follows.

·      Event-driven architecture

·      Real-time analytics and decision-making

·      Data system design for big data

·      Unstructured/structured data management at-scale

·      Big data application (smart-city, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing)

·      Data exploration and visualization for Big Data

·      Linked and open Big Data


The main deadlines are:

        • 31 May 2021 - Submission Deadline

        • 15 July 2021 - Notification of acceptance under the condition of revision

        • 2 August 2021 - Camera-ready submission


For additional information and all other deadlines, do check: