The Brain, Music and Learning research group (BML) has a close affiliation with the Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU). This link leads to a list of publications by CBRU, which represent the scientific outcome of the Cognitive Brain Research Unit with a more versatile profile of research than the Brain, Language, and Music team alone has. Many but not all of them are also BML publications.
A list of CBRU- and BML-affiliated publications, organized by year.
A List of all PhD theses since 2006 affiliated with Brain, Music and Learning, formerly known as the Brain and Music team.
A list of Mari Tervaniemi's PhD students' theses, organized by year.
Below are Mari Tervaniemi and Minna Huotilainen's PhD theses. Please note that the files are in PDF format, with the text presented as images.
Mari Tervaniemi, Pre-attentive processing of complex auditory information in the human brain, University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology, 1997.
Minna Huotilainen, Magnetoencephalography in the study of cortical auditory processing, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering, 1997.