On Tuesday 13th June, the Books of the Medieval Parish Church project will set sail from Vaasa, to reach Umeå on the other side of the Gulf of Bothnia. There, the ninth national Swedish history conference – Historikermötet – will take place on 14th–16th June. As our project approaches it midpoint, we will use this opportunity to bring forwards results we are starting to get from the first two years of intense research work.
BOMPAC will present a full session of papers, in which we will explore both the early-modern recycling of medieval manuscripts and the medieval manuscripts themselves. Our titles are:
- Seppo Eskola: The lost accounts: Statistical analysis of the preservation and destruction of fogderäkenskaper and their medieval covers
- Jaakko Tahkokallio: Fogderäkenskapernas pergamentomslag och de medeltida bokresurserna i det svenska riket: frågan om representativitet
- Emilia Henderson-Roche: Böcker för en nyetablerad kyrka: spåren av liturgiska böcker importerade till Sverige på 1100- och 1200-talen
You will find us on the morning of Friday, 16th June, 9.00, in the Umeå University lecture room SAM.A.351. We are very grateful to Björn Tjällén, who will moderate the session and to Anders Fröjmark, who has promised to comment the papers.
Come and join us!