. To do this, we need to better understand dynamics of behaviour change and effective interventions, and the key is collaboration of many disciplines - social psychology, economics, sociology, social work, and so on.
A new project brings together researchers from different fields, policy makers, and other actors to discuss the science of developing and evaluating effective interventions, to advance our multidisciplinary understanding and to solve challenges related to behaviour change.
The core of the project is formed by five symposia that cover evidence based policy-making and making better use of behaviour change research. This provides fora for discussing opposing scientific views and seeking promising future avenues.
The project steering group involves academics from various areas and representatives from the Prime Minister’s Office. The project, with the help of Demos Helsinki, will also produce a toolbox for policymakers that will synthesize the main messages from the symposia to support evidence-based policy making.
The first symposium “Intervention evaluation and field experiments” 14–15 May 2019 in Helsinki. So far, more than 100 people have already registered for this high-profile multidisciplinary event. Register here (by 30th April): https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/1st_BeSP_Symposium_Intervention_evaluation__field_experiments_1092
The project takes place in 2019-2020 and is funded by Finnish Cultural Foundation. Read more here: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/behaviour-change-and-wellbeing/behaviour-change-science-policy-besp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Behaviourchangescienceandpolicy
Twitter: @BeSP_FIN, Behaviour Change Science & Policy (BeSP) project