Workshop on Persian Empire

The Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires and the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions organize an exploratory workshop on Persian Empire, Social Sciences, and Ancient Historiography in Helsinki on January 9th - 11th, 2019. The workshop is open to all interested scholars, students and members of the public.

We are pleased to welcome professors Julia Jennings (University at Albany), Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (New York University), and Jari Eloranta (University of Helsinki) as our keynotes.

Attendance is free of charge. Please register for the workshop using this e-form by December 23rd.

Program over­view

Konsistori-hall, University of Helsinki Main building (Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor)

January 9th - 11th, 2019

Wednesday, Jan 9th – Sociology

9:00–10:30    Keynote and discussion: Julia Jennings

10:30–11:00  coffee break

11:00–13:00  Paper session I (Farzad Abedi, Nenad Markovic, Melanie Wasmuth)

13:00–14:30  lunch

14:30–15:50  Paper session II (Francis Borchardt, Maarja Seire)

15:50–16:20  break

16:20–17:40  Paper session III (Jacob Stavis, Nina Nikki & Lauri Laine)

17:40–19:00  Concluding discussion

19:00–            University of Helsinki Reception (Porthania room 219, Yliopistonkatu 3)

Thursday, Jan 10th – Political Science

9:00–10:30    Keynote and discussion: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

10:30–11:00  coffee break

11:00–13:00  Paper session I (Ossi Arpe, Seán W. Pieper, Wu Xin)

13:00–14:30  lunch break

14:30–16:30  Paper session II (Kacper Ziemba, Uzume Z. Wijnsma, Melissa Benson)

16:30–17:00  break

17:00–18:20  Paper session III (Andrew Deloucas, Leila Makvandi)

18:20–19:00  Concluding discussion

19:30–            Workshop Dinner

Friday, Jan 11th - Economics

9:00–10:30    Keynote and discussion: Jari Eloranta

10:30–11:00  coffee break

11:00–12:20  Paper session I (Maurits W. Ertsen, Raz Kletter)

12:20–13:50  lunch break

13:50–15:50  Paper session II (Rhyne King, Caroline Wallis, Jason M. Silverman)

15:50–16:20  break

16:20–18:00  Final discussion

Important details

Registration deadline: December 23rd, 2018

Workshop dates: January 9th - 11th, 2019

Workshop venue: Konsistori-hall, University of Helsinki Main Building (Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor)

Organizers: ANEE & CSTT