The workshop is organized in small sessions arranged according to general themes (resources/raw materials, material culture/objects, space/landscape, textual sources), aiming at representing the rich variety of network applications currently being tested in the archaeology of the two macro-regions, with a wide chronological scope ranging from prehistory to the Roman Period.
The workshop is intended as a forum in which to reflect on the potential of network applications in Near Eastern and Mediterranean archaeology. To this end all invited speakers are encouraged to be open about theoretical and methodological choices underpinning their research when presenting their case studies. To maximize the learning potential for all participants, the audience is invited to actively participate and stimulate discussion in an informal setting.
The Workshop is a hybrid event that takes place at the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 24 lecture room 531) AND in Zoom. Maximum 20 persons can attend in person according to the current regulations by UH. The deadline for registration (whether attending in person or online) is Thursday, December 9th. If you wish to participate please send an email to: Maria.Micale @ fu-berlin. de (remove the spaces from the address).
The program of the workshop can be read and downloaded from this page. Abstracts of the speeches can be read from this page.
Please note that attending the conference dinner on Monday requires a COVID-19 passport (EU Digital COVID certificate) or other official COVID-19 certificate (such as the one used to enter Finland).
Maria-Gabriella Micale (FU Berlin)
Antti Lahelma (University of Helsinki)
Helen Dawson (University of Bologna and FU Berlin)