The Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEE) at the University of Helsinki is a cross-disciplinary centre that focuses on how changing imperial dynamics impact social group identities and lifeways during the first millennium BCE. With almost 40 current members, ANEE provides a dynamic and fruitful working community on the Ancient Near East, with specialists in Near Eastern and Classical archaeology, Assyriology, ancient history, archaeological sciences, heritage studies, Biblical studies, Museum studies, and language technology. In terms of empires, our researchers cover the Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, and Parthian Empires. ANEE engages with methodologically varied yet integrated research on the long-term processes by which social group identities and lifeways were negotiated.
This Call is particularly targeted to Near Eastern archaeology, with an emphasis on the first millennium BCE. Applications are encouraged by scholars working on topics related to rural life under empires and the role of marginal areas within imperial dynamics. Applications from scholars wishing to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries, such as Archaeology, Anthropology, Heritage studies, Museum studies, and Assyriology, are particularly encouraged. In order to qualify for the Postdoctoral Visiting Researcher position, the applicant should possess a completed PhD in Archaeology or related disciplines at the time of application.
How to apply?
Send you CV, motivation letter (1-2 pages), research proposal (1-2 pages), and copy of PhD certificate to by 10 May 2020. The research proposal should include a short concrete proposal for the period of stay and a contextualization of this research in connection to ANEE and the applicant’s wider research.
We will announce the successful applicant by 5 June 2020 at the latest. The successful applicant will receive a four-month, fixed-term, full-time salaried position at Postdoctoral Researcher level at the University of Helsinki (€ 3500 – € 3900 p.m., depending on experience level). In addition, ANEE will compensate the travel costs back and forth to Helsinki. The successful applicant will provide 1 seminar lecture and organize 1 small workshop in Helsinki.
Questions about the application process can be directed to and/or
Application deadline is 10 May 2020