Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.Our speakers are Ivo Martins (Leiden University): “Babylonia 539 BCE: The World against Nabonidus?” and Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki): “Identity in the Qumran Temple of Men”.
The session takes place on Thursday 17 September at 4:15-6 pm via Zoom (https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64758870337, Meeting ID: 647 5887 0337).The session takes place on Thursday 17 September at 4:15-6 pm via Zoom (https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64758870337, Meeting ID: 647 5887 0337).The session takes place on Thursday 17 September at 4:15-6 pm via Zoom (https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/64758870337, Meeting ID: 647 5887 0337).
We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!