AMME Program announcement: Spring 2025

We are excited to announce the new spring programme for the Ancient and Medieval Middle East (AMME) seminars series.

The following three seminars are organised as hybrid events, taking place at University of Helsinki and on Zoom (refer below for details). 

Each themed session comprises two presentations, followed by a shared window for discussion, and you are all most welcome to participate

Without further ado, here is the programme:

Thursday 30.1.25 (16:15–18:00 EET): Embodied Emotion in the Ancient World 

  • Dr. Tuomo Nuorluoto: ‘Inscribing emotions in the ancient Roman world’
  • Dr. Juha Lahnakoski: ‘Embodied emotions in ancient Neo-Assyrian texts revealed by bodily mapping of emotional semantics’

Live location: Faculty hall of Theology, Fabianinkatu 33, room 4038

Virtual venue: Zoom ( / Meeting ID: 678 8979 2118). 

Thursday 27.3.25 (16:15–18:00 EET): Ancient Archives 

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Jursa: 'A new look at the Eanna temple archive'
  • Dr. Rotem Avneri Meir: 'Archival Perspectives on Persian-Period Judea'

Live location: Professori, (Fabianinkatu 33, room F1055). Directions: entering from the main entrance, go straight ahead, through the hall between the two stairs and to the right. ‘Professori’ (F1055) is the first room after the WC.

Virtual venue: Zoom ( / Meeting ID: 678 8979 2118). 

Tuesday 6.5.25 (16:30–18:15 EEST): Deciphering Lost Languages 

  • Prof. Jacob Dahl
  • Prof. Ramaz Shengelia

Live location: Faculty hall of Theology, Fabianinkatu 33, room 4038

Virtual venue: Zoom ( / Meeting ID: 678 8979 2118). 

We hope to see you at the seminars!