The program is composed of four hybrid events, organized at University of Helsinki and virtually (please refer below for the details).
The respective sessions consist of two talks on a shared theme, followed by a shared window for questions and discussion on the matters dealt with during the day.
As AMME’s spring is already underway, the first session has concluded. The rest of the program looks as follows:
Tuesday 23.1.2024 (16:15-18:00 EET): Ancient Ideology and Imagined Histories
- Dr. Emanuel Pfoh: ‘Contemporary ideologies and historiography of ancient Israel’
- Prof. Franco De Angelis: ‘The Ideological Underpinnings of Ex Oriente Lux Thinking’
Thursday 7.3.2024 (16:15-18:00 EET): Pictorial Aspects of Ancient Texts
- Dr. Victoria Almansa-Villatoro: ‘Seeing Hieroglyphs, Reading Images, Rethinking Literacy: a Semiotic Approach to Egyptian Royal Texts’
- Prof. Annick Payne: ‘Anatolian Hieroglyphic Writing and Meta-Writing’
Tuesday 2.4.2024 (16:15-18:00 EEST): Animals of the Ancient World
- Prof. Alan Mikhail: ‘tba’
- Dr. Peeter Espak: ´tba’
Thursday 23.5.2024 (16:15-18:00 EEST): Land management practices: Migration and Empire
- Prof. Daniele Morandi Bonacossi: ‘Forced migration and deportation in the core of the Assyrian Empire: The case of the Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project, Kurdistan Region of Iraq’
- Dr. Geoff Emberling: ‘Mobilities in Ancient Kush, from Nomads to the Royal Court’
The sessions can be attended in person, at Fabianinkatu 24, room 524 (5th floor), or on Zoom (Meeting ID: 678 8979 2118 /
We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!
Joanna Töyräänvuori, Lena Tambs, Repekka Uotila & Samuel Reinikainen