Invitation to participate in the development of guidelines for the use of GenAI in research

The University of Helsinki is developing guidelines for the use of generative AI in research and the university community is invited to contribute to further develop the document!

The University of Helsinki is developing guidelines for the use of generative AI in research. The ACH member Bruno Oliveira Cattelan has been actively involved in the drafting process and now the invitation is extended to the rest of the community to join the process and help the further development of this important document.

AI tools have already shown an unprecedented potential to affect the research process. Protecting research integrity is essential and thus the contribution of all, including those from the computer science and other related fields is crucial. 

How to contribute?

  • Comment on the draft version by June 10, 2024 
  • Join the discussion on the topic on May 24th, 10-11am EET via ZOOM

More details are available also in Flamma here.