
The Centre for Research on Addiction, Control and Governance (CEACG) is a research unit at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki. The centre conducts research on the consumption and provision of addictive commodities as well as on the legal control and governance of addictive commodity industries and harms caused to individuals and societies.

CEACG is specialised in social scientific addiction and system research regarding gambling, alcohol and drugs. Research by CEACG looks at addiction from a comprehensive point of view, focusing on behaviours, concepts and theories of addiction, as well as legal control policies, commercial operation and marketing of gambling, alcohol and drugs. The ongoing projects of CEACG concern e.g. online marketing of gambling, European gambling policies, and systems and strategies for handling substance abuse problems in families. Learn more about our ongoing projects.

Currently, CEACG consists of around 14 full-time researchers and other staff, who are involved in several national and international research projects. Learn more about our staff,

The CEACG functions both as a research center milieu and as a researcher group with associative partners from other institutions and research groups. The editorial office of the Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) journal operates also at the same premises. Learn more about our partners.