Future Problem-Solvers! – project aims to develop interactive, visual, effective and bilingual (i.e., Finnish/Swedish) 3D learning environments for enhancing primary school children’s’ mathematical problem-solving skills. 3D learning environments are developed as highly interesting and individualizing in order to meet the needs of diverse learners. We will also contribute to research by investigating factors influencing the effectiveness of the learning environments by using an intervention and control group deisgn.
The project joins top researchers from special education, mathematics education and engineering from University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Åbo Akademi University. The project is lead by Professor Pirjo Aunio and Docent Anu Laine from University of Helsinki.
The research group is participating in Svenska folkskolans vänner Start! - Innovations for an Equal Future - challenge. Currently, the group is developing their first 3D learning environment in the acceleration phase of the challenge. The first learning environment is piloted in fall 2021.
Pirjo Aunio (PI)
Anu Laine (CO-PI)
Hannu Hyyppä
Juha Hyyppä (National Land Survey/Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI)