"Free ports and free trade"

Workshop, 6 November, Sydney


Koen Stapelbroek, ‘Global trade, concessions and commercial extraterritoriality: reconstructing the history of the free port’

Ben Huf, ‘Balance of Power, Balance of Trade?’

Toby Nash, ‘Disorderly Commerce: Black Markets, Port Infrastructure, and Trade Policy in Kingston and Bombay, 1700-1775’

Nicholas Hoare, ‘L'affaire des phosphates in the interwar Pacific: A French critique of the British Phosphate Commissioners’

Glenda Sluga, ‘Sites of Economic Memory: Financial landscapes and actors in international concessions’

Discussants: Sophie Loy-Wilson, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Michael Beggs.

Organised by Ben Huf, Glenda Sluga and Koen Stapelbroek, in partnership with the Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History and the network for the study of the history of free ports (www.helsinki.fi/a-global-history-of-free-ports).

Drinks afterwards


Date: 6 November

Time: 2-5 pm

Western Tower Boardroom (Quadrangle)

The University of Sydney

See also https://wordvine.sydney.edu.au/files/3000/24298/