CFP: Transfer of knowledge: journey and ports cities in the global system (16th-19th Century)

International Conference Venice 24-25 September 2019


Fabio D’Angelo (Università di San Marino),

Giulia Delogu (Università Ca’ Foscari),

Antonio Trampus (Università Ca’ Foscari)

Keynote speakers:

Pierre Yves Beaurepaire (Université de Nice “Sophia Antipolis”),

Matthieu Grenet (Université de Toulouse),

Richard Whatmore (University of St. Andrews)


The conference aims to inaugurate an international and

multidisciplinary debate on knowledge transfer through travels

and the port cities. Therefore, the aim is to offer a new transversal

reading of mobility (of things, people, and ideas). It will investigate

the cultural history of mobility, but also material aspect of the

journey, going well beyond a purely anecdotal and documentary

approach, unifying its contents.

The conference also intends to analyze the cultural and historical

processes of knowledge transfer through an innovative approach,

which takes into account at the same time ‘nodes’ and ‘networks’

that intersect through the port cities. In fact, in the global network

of knowledge diffusion, a series of webs, made up of travelers, and

a series of fundamental nodal points such as the port cities can be

identified. In particular, the following aspects are to be investigated:

- the ways of global circulation of women and men, ideas and assets;

- transmission of information;

- the importance of port cities as economic, political and cultural


- the role of travelers as mediators of knowledge;

- management, legal and administrative, and the reception of

travelers, in particular exiles and refugees.


Deadline is May 31st, 2019. Successful applicants will be notified

by June 14th . Proposals related to the abovementioned topics are

welcomed in Italian, English or French.

Please send the following to and in .doc(x), .rtf, or .pdf format:

the title and abstract (around 500 words) of the paper; a short

bio (max. 1 page) containing information on education, research

experience and interest, current position, publications

Pending peer review, the papers will be taken into account for


Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici

e Culturali Comparati

Transfer of knowledge:

journey and ports cities

in the global system

(16th-19th Century)

International Conference

Venice September 24th – 25th, 2019