The Corona virus epidemic did not stop a group of Russian and Finnish scientists from holding a seminar on common approaches to studying and conserving vulnerable aquatic ecosystems and reservoirs of the North. The online meeting was held on April 9th, 2020 and attracted participants from universities and institutes on boths sides of the border.
The participants made specific mention of the great importance of comprehensively studying lake ecosystems, which are of great importance for people in Russia and Finland. It is believed that only a comprehensive approach will give an appropriate estimation of how these ecosystems are changing over time and will give an opportunity to take preventing and controlling measures.
Considering the discussion on developing the Red List of Ecosystems in Europe, the participants of the seminar pointed out that lake ecosystems, and especially northern lakes in the Baltic and Barents Regions are especially vulnerable to anthropogenic influences. What is essential, is studying the ecosystems of the skerry part of Lake Ladoga which is the largest fresh water reservoir in Europe. It requires a comprehensive and united approach to studying ecosystems considering both their geographical distribution and their components.