Legal and pedagogical guide for the fields students and experts. (in Finnish)
The University of Helsinki’s Faculty of Educational Sciences has published a learning resource on common legal challenges in Finnish institutions of education. The guide is intended for education students and experts. It has been created in cooperation with the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman and is a unique compilation of typical complaints. The learning material connects law and education in an innovative way. Read news about the guide here and load freely awailable pdf.
Democracy and Human Rights Education in Finland brochure describes the recent steps in the topic and actions of higher education providers, public officials and non-governmental organizations. You can find a timeline, summary of actions, background and collected materials for teachers. Brochure is available in Finnish and in Swedish. Brochure was published in January 2020.
In the Human Rights, Democracy, Values and Dialogue in Education project there was collected in 2018-19 and published over 170 materials and tips for teachers for integrating education for democratic citizenship and human rights education in their work. Materials support teaching and they are also suitable for self-study. Finnish National Agency for Education published the website Democracy, Human Rights and Participation (in Finnish mainly, some materials also in English and Swedish-language version coming at a later date). Read more about the materials.
Human Rights, Democracy, Values and Dialogue in Education projects report summarizes the actions, situation of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education in the Finnish teacher education, challenges, responses, teacher students' views, and suggestions for further development. Project report is written in Finnish but there are summaries in English and Swedish.