Lönnqvist 2000a
Minna Angelina Lönnqvist, Between Nomadism and Sedentism: Amorites from the Perspective of Contextual Archaeology. PhD dissertation. University of Helsinki. Helsinki: Juutiprint.
Lönnqvist 2000b
Minna Lönnqvist, Satelliittiarkeologit tekivät yllätyslöydön (Satellite Archaeologists Made an Unexpected Discovery), in: Tiede 2000 (Science 2000), No. 8, 26–31. Read article "Satellite Archaeologists Made an Unexpected Discovery" in Finnish at Tiede magazine
Lönnqvist – Lorentz – Stout Whiting 2001 (abstract and presentation)
Minna Lönnqvist – Kirsi Lorentz –Margot Stout Whiting, A View over an Ancient Silicon Valley, Circular Enclosures at the Edge of Jebel Bishir in Syria, in: The 5th millennium in the Near East conference in Liverpool, UK.
Lönnqvist 2003a
Minna Lönnqvist, Suomalaisten apuna sukkulan kuvat (The Shuttle Images Aiding the Finns), Tiedesivu (Science Page), in: Helsingin Sanomat, newspaper (the main Finnish newspapers), 23.8.
Lönnqvist 2003b
Minna Lönnqvist, Zenobia (Halabija) Naisvallan Monumentti Eufratilla (Zenobia, Halabiya, the Monument of Female Power on the Euphrates), in: Liisa Suvikumpu (ed.) Meillä Euroopassa, Juhlakirja Professori Päivi Setälälle (Festschrift to Professor Päivi Setälä) 20.1.2003, Keuruu: Otava, 320–333.
Lönnqvist – Törmä 2003
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä, SYGIS–The Finnish Archaeological Project in Syria, The ICOMOS & ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage, in: ed. M. Orhan Altan (ed.), New Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage, CIPA 2003, XIXth International Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, The ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXIV-5/C15, 609–614.
Lönnqvist 2004
Minna Lönnqvist, Kaukokartoitusaineistojen käyttö ja digitaalinen dokumentointi Jebel Bishrin arkeologisessa GIS-hankkeessa (The Use of Remote-sensed data and digital documentation in the Jebel Bishri archaeological GIS project), in: P. Pesonen – E. Raike (eds.), Luonnontieteelliset menetelmät ja GIS arkeologiassa (Natural Sciences and GIS in Archaeology), Arkeologipäivät 2003, Hamina: Suomen Arkeologinen Seura, 105–116.
Lönnqvist – Törmä 2004a
M. Lönnqvist – M. Törmä, Invited presentation "Application of Remote Sensing Data for Mapping Archaeological Heritage on the Bishri Mountain in Syria", in: Remote Sensing and Development, International congress 2004, abstract and proceedings, Damascus: GORS 2004.
Lönnqvist – Törmä 2004b
M. Lönnqvist – M. Törmä, Different Implications of a Spatial Boundary, Jebel Bishri between the Desert and the Sown in Syria, in: M. Orhan Altan (ed.) The ISPRS XXth Congress Proceedings, The ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXV, Part B, Istanbul 2004, 897–902.
Lönnqvist 2005a (unpublished)
Minna Lönnqvist, Kenneth Lönnqvist, Markus Törmä, Milton Nuñez, Margot Stout Whiting, Jari Okkonen, The results of the Jebel Bishri project, presentations at the University of Helsinki.
Lönnqvist 2005b (unpublished, invited lecture)
Minna Lönnqvist, Invited presentation "Jebel Bishri and the Problem of Nomadic Remains in Archaeology" in Difference and Integration project, University of Halle-Wittenberg. See Difference+Integration website
Lönnqvist 2005c (unpublished, invited lecture)
Invited presentation "New Approaches to a Controversial Field: "Amorites in Archaeology" in Difference and Integration project, University of Leipzig. See Difference+Integration website
Lönnqvist 2005d
Minna Lönnqvist, Kuka rakensi Tabusin marmorilinnan Jebel Bishrille? Historiallinen ja arkeologinen tutkimusongelma Syyriassa (Who Built the Marble Fort of Tabus on Jebel Bishri? An Archaeological and Historical Problem in Syria), in: Aune Jääskinen (ed.) Minun Bysanttini kaukana ja lähellä, My Byzantine Near and Far, Jyväskylä: Gummerus, 65–74.
Lönnqvist et al. 2005a
M. Lönnqvist – K. Lönnqvist – M. Stout Whiting – M. Törmä – M. Nuñez – J. Okkonen, Documenting, Identifying and Protecting a Late Roman–Byzantine Fort at Tabus on the Euphrates, in: S. Dequal (ed.), International Cooperation to Save the World’s Cultural Heritage, Proceedings of the XX International Symposium CIPA 2005, Turin (Italy) 26 September–01 October, 2005, Vol. 1., The ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI-5/C34, CIPA–The ICOMOS/ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage, Italy, 427–432.
Lönnqvist et al. 2005b.
M. Lönnqvist – K. Lönnqvist – M. Stout Whiting – M. Törmä – M. Nuñez – J. Okkonen, Tracing New Dimensions in the Roman Military Organization of the Eastern Limes, in: S. Dequal (ed.), International Cooperation to Save the World’s Cultural Heritage, Proceedings of the XX International Symposium CIPA 2005, Turin (Italy) 26 September –01 October, 2005, Vol. 2. The ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI-5/C34, CIPA–The ICOMOS/ISPRS Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage, Italy, 1074–1079.
Lönnqvist – Törmä 2006
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä, Observing Changes and their Effects in Nomadic Environment, Remote-sensing and Archaeology for Sustainable Development on Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: M. Anji Reddy (ed.), Environmental Geoinformatics and Modeling, Proceedings of ICEM ’05, International Conference on Environmental Management (28–30 Oct 2005), Vol. IV, Hyderabad.
Lönnqvist et al. 2006a (published abstract)
Minna Lönnqvist – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Margot Stout Whiting – Markus Törmä – Milton Nuñez – Jari Okkonen – Michael Herles – Marcus Königsdörfer. "River Deep, Mountain High": Different Degrees of Sedentism in the Valley of the Euphrates River, published abstract and presentation, in: 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid 2006, 40.
Lönnqvist et al. 2006b
Minna Lönnqvist with the contributions by Markus Törmä, Milton Nuñez, Kenneth Lönnqvist, Margot Stout Whiting, Jari Okkonen, Helena Riihiaho, Martti Nissinen. Archaeological Surveys of Jebel Bishri, The Preliminary Report of the Finnish Mission to Syria 2000–2004, in: KASKAL, Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico, Vol. 3, 2006, 205–242.
Lönnqvist et al. 2006c
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Margot Stout Whiting – Milton Nuñez – Jari Okkonen, An Ethical Overview of Long-term Perspectivism, Experiences from an Archaeological Survey on Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: M. Ioannides, D. Arnold, F. Niccolucci, K. Mania (eds.), The e-volution of Information Communication Technology in Cultural Heritage, Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century, Short papers from the join event CIPA/VAST/EG/EuroMed 2006. The 7th Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2006), 30 October–4 November 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus, EPOCH Publication, Budapest: Epoch Publications, 108–113.
Lönnqvist et al. 2007
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Milton Nuñez – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Jari Okkonen – Jaakko Latikka, The Euphrates Channel Changes and Archaeology along Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: A. Georgopoulos (ed.) Proceedings of the XXI Symposium, CIPA 2007, Athens, Anticipating the Future of the Cultural past, Vol. 1, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI-5/C53, Athens, 465–470.
Lönnqvist 2008
Minna Lönnqvist, Were Nomadic Amorites on the Move? Migration, Invasion and Gradual Infiltration as Mechanisms for Cultural Transition, in: H. Kühne, R. Czichon, F. J. Kreppner (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Near East, 29 March–3 April 2004, Freie Universität Berlin, Vol. 2, Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages, Excavation reports, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 195–215.
Lönnqvist (ed.) 2008
Minna Lönnqvist (ed.), Jebel Bishri in Context: Introduction to the Archaeological Studies of Jebel Bishri and its Neighbourhood in Central Syria. Proceedings of a Nordic Research Training Seminar in Syria. May 2004. British Archaeological Reports. International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Lönnqvist et al. 2008a (published abstract)
Minna Lönnqvist – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Martti Nissinen – Milton Nuñez - Jari Okkonen – Helena Riihiaho – Margot Stout Whiting – Markus Törmä, Desertification and Ehthnoarchaeology: Studying Hazards in the Nomadic Environment of Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Rome, 5th-10th May 2008, Papers, 57.
Lönnqvist et al. 2008b (published abstract, invited presenation)
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Milton Nuñez – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Jari Okkonen, Desertification Monitoring and Archaeological Perspectives from Jebel Bishri, Syria, in: Geohazard Symposium, Remote-sensing and GIS technologies for geohazard monitoring, invited abstract and paper, the 33rd International Geological Congress; GHZ-05806L, 266, Oslo 2008, 6–14 August.
Lönnqvist 2009
Minna Lönnqvist, Jebel Bishri and the Role of Nomadism in the End of the Early Bronze Age, in: P. Parr (ed.), The Levant in Transition, Proceedings of a Conference held at the British Museum on 20–21 April, 2004, Palestine Exploration Fund Annual IX, Leeds: Maney Publishing, 49–55.
Lönnqvist – Stefanakis 2009
Minna Lönnqvist – Emanuel Stefanakis, GIScience in Archaeology: Ancient Human Traces in Automated Space, in: M. Madden (ed.), The Manual of Geographic Information Systems, Bethesda, Maryland: ASPRS, 1221–1259.
Lönnqvist et al. 2009a
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Milton Nuñez, Site Catchment Analysis Applied to the Pastoral Landscape of Jebel Bishri in Syria Using QuickBird Satellite Imagery and Aster-Dem Data, in: Proceedings of CIPA 2009, Kyoto. Accessed 9th January 2018.
Lönnqvist et al. 2009b
Minna Lönnqvist with the contributions by Markus Törmä, Kenneth Lönnqvist, Jari Okkonen, Michael Herles, Markus Königsdörfer, Archaeological Surveys of Jebel Bishri, The Preliminary Report of the Finnish Mission to Syria, 2005–2006, in: KASKAL, Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico, Vol. 6, 2009, 1–42.
Lönnqvist et al. 2009c (published abstract, invited presentation)
Minna Lönnqvist with contributions by Kenneth Lönnqvist, Markus Törmä, Milton Nuñez, Margot Stout Whiting, invited presentation University of Tokyo, Tracing Tribal Implications among the Bronze Age Tomb Types in the Region of Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: K. Ohnuma (ed.) Formation of Tribal Communities, Integrated Research in the Middle Euphrates, Syria, November 21– 23, 2009, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 33.
Lönnqvist 2010a
Minna Lönnqvist, How to Control Nomads? A Case Study Associated with Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, in: L. Kogan et al. (eds.), City Administration in the Ancient Near East, Proceedings of the 53e Rencôntre Assyriologique Internationale, Babel und Bibel 5, Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana, 115–139.
Lönnqvist 2010b (published abstract, presentation)
Minna Lönnqvist, Quarrying Jebel Bishri in Syria for Building Roman and Byzantine forts and fortresses on the Eastern Limes, in The Seventh International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation & the CIPA Stone workshop under the Patronage of her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya Bint al Hassan, Amman-Petra, Jordan, 57.
Lönnqvist 2010c (unpublished)
Minna Lönnqvist, The Jebel Bishri project presentation for the Institute for Cultural Research at the University of Helsinki.
Lönnqvist 2010d (unpublished, invited presentation)
Minna Lönnqvist, Jebel Bishri between the Desert Limes and the Euphrates Limes, Invited by The Free University of Berlin, presentation and paper in the project Focus on Fortification, German Archaeological Institute and Danish Archaeological Institute, Damascus, held at the Danish Institute in Damascus.
Lönnqvist 2012 (published abstract)
Minna Lönnqvist, The Emergence of Pastoral Transhumance at Jebel Bishri Central Syria, abstract booklet 8th ICAANE International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, University of Warsaw, 152.
Lönnqvist et al. 2010a
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Milton Nuñez – Jari Okkonen – Margot Stout Whiting – Helena Riihiaho – Martti Nissinen, Desertification and Ethnoarchaeology: Studying Hazards in the Nomadic Environment of Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: P. Matthiae – F. Pinnock – L. Nigro – N. Marchetti with the collaboration of Licia Romano (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, May 5th-10th 2008, “Sapienza” – Università di Roma, Vol. 1, Near Eastern Archaeology in the Past, Present and Future: Heritage and Identity, Ethnoarchaeological and Interdisciplinary Approach: Results and Perspectives, Visual Expression and Craft Production in the Definition of Social Relations and Status, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 369–390.
Lönnqvist et al. 2010b
Minna Lönnqvist with contributions by Kenneth Lönnqvist, Markus Törmä, Milton Nuñez, Margot Stout Whiting, Tracing Tribal Implications among the Bronze Age Tomb Types in the Region of Jebel Bishri in Syria, in: K. Ohnuma (ed.) Formation of Tribal Communities, Integrated Research in the Middle Euphrates, Syria, November 21– 23, 2009, Al-Rāfidān, Special issue, 165–173.
Lönnqvist et al. 2010c (published abstract, presentation)
Minna Lönnqvist, Markus Törmä, Kenneth Lönnqvist, Jari Okkonen, Milton Nuñez, Remote sensing, Landscape and Archaeology, 7th ICAANE, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, London.
Lönnqvist et al. 2011
M. Lönnqvist – M. Törmä – K. Lönnqvist – M. Nuñez, Jebel Bishri in Focus: Remote sensing, archaeological surveying, mapping and GIS studies of Jebel Bishri in central Syria by the Finnish project SYGIS. British Archaeological Reports International Series 2230, Oxford: Archaeopress.
Lönnqvist – Lönnqvist 2012
M. Lönnqvist – K. Lönnqvist. Jebel Bishrin vuoristossa eletään patriarkkatraditioiden maisemassa (In the Mountainous Region of Jebel Bishri One Can Travel Back in Time to the Patriarchal Traditions), in: S. Niinimäki, A.–K. Salmi, J. – M. Kuusela – J. Okkonen (eds.) Stones, Bones and Thoughts, Festschrift to Professor Milton Nuñez, Oulu: Juhlakirjatoimikunta, 221–236.
Lönnqvist et al. 2012
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Lönnqvist – Milton Nuñez, Satellite Perspective on Highland – Lowland Human Interaction in Ancient Syria, in: M. Madden – M. Shortis (eds.) International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIX B4, XXII ISPRS Congress 25 August–01 September 2012, Melbourne, 455–460. This paper has been on the website of Harvard University, NASA and the Smithsonian.
Lönnqvist 2013
Minna Lönnqvist, Jebel Bishri – liikkuvien yhteisöjen liha-aitta (Jebel Bishri – a Meat Stock of Mobile Societies), in: A. Kerkkänen and L. Autio (eds.) Lukemista Levantista: Suomalaisten Tutkijoiden Kirjoituksia, (Readings from the Levant of the Finnish Institute in Damascos), Helsinki: Suomen Itämainen Seura, 173–179.
Lönnqvist 2014a
Minna Lönnqvist. The Emergence of Pastoral Transhumance at Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, in: D. Morandi Bonacossi (ed.), Settlement Dynamics and Human-Landscape Interaction in the Dry Steppes of Syria, Studia Chaburensia 4, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Verlag, 93–109.
Lönnqvist 2014b (unpublished, invited lecture)
Minna Lönnqvist, Paimentolaisuudesta kyläkulttuuriin: etnoarkeologiaa beduiinien parissa Syyriassa (From Nomadic Pastoralism to Village Culture: Ethnoarchaeology among Bedouins in Syria), Finnish-Arabic Society, Tieteiden talo - the House of Sciences and Letters, Helsinki, Finland.
Lönnqvist 2014c (unpublished, invited lecture)
Minna Lönnqvist, Studies on the Landscape Visibilities of Ancient People at Jebel Bisri in Central Syria, Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey.
Lönnqvist et al. 2014 (submitted paper)
Minna Lönnqvist – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Silver – Milton Nuñez, Studies in Changing Pastoral Landscape in the Region of Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, in: ICOMOS General Assembly 2014 proceedings, Florence, Italy, forthcoming e-book.
Silver (Lönnqvist) 2014
Minna Silver (Lönnqvist), The Emergence of the Earliest State of the Amorites, in: ARAM periodical, Vol. 26, issue 2, 243–267.
Silver et al. 2015a
Minna Silver – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Silver – Jari Okkonen – Milton Nuñez, Remote Sensing, Archaeology and Landscape: Tracing Ancient Tracks and Roads between Palmyra and the Euphrates in Syria, in: Y.-N. Yen, K.-H, Weng, H.-M. Cheng (eds.), ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-5/W3, 2015, 279–285.
Silver et al. 2015b
Minna Silver – Markus Törmä – Kenneth Silver – Jari Okkonen – Milton Nuñez, The Possible Use of Ancient Tower Tombs as Watchtowers in Syro-Mesopotamia, in: Y.-N. Yen, K.-H, Weng, H.-M. Cheng (eds.), ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-5/W3, 2015, 287–293.
Silver 2016a
Minna Silver (former Lönnqvist), Climate Change, the Mardu Wall, and the Fall of Ur, in: O. Drewnowska – M. Sandowicz (eds.), Fortune and Misfortune in the Near East, Proceedings of the 60th Rencôntre Assyriologique Internationale Warsaw, 21–25 July 2014, Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 271–295.
Silver 2016b
Minna Silver, Unearthing the Past at Ancient Harran and the Wells of Paddan-Aram, in The Near Eastern Archaeology Today, March 2016, Vol. IV, No. 3, see: ASORblog (American Schools for Oriental Research).
Silver 2016c (published abstract)
Minna Silver, The Anatomy of the SYGIS Project: Satellite Images, GIS, Fieldwork and 3D Modelling of Landscapes in Central Syria, in: 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 25-29, Abstract Booklet, Vienna, 269–270.
Silver 2016d (unpublished, invited lecture)
Minna Silver, Visualising Invisible Nomads in the Past and More Recent Syria, in: The World Heritage Strategy Forum, Harvard University, USA.
Silver 2017a
Minna Silver, Digitaalinen antiteesi muistin tuhoamiselle Syyriassa, A Digital Antithesis to the Destruction of Memory in Syria, in: Kriisin jälkeen – rekonstruktio? Post-Trauma Reconstruction, Helsinki: ICOMOSin Suomen osasto ry., The Finnish national committee of ICOMOS, 58–80.
Silver 2017b
Minna Silver (former Lönnqvist), The Jordan Valley as a Gateway for the Intermediate Bronze Age People to Jericho? in: ARAM periodical 29: 1 & 2, 505–532.
Silver et al. 2018
Minna Silver – Gabriele Fangi – Ahmet Denker, Reviving Palmyra in Multiple Dimensions: Images, Ruins and Cultural Memory, Caithness, UK: Whittles Publishing.
Silver 2019
Minna Silver, An Archaeological Perspective on Early Arameans, their Tribalism and Kingdoms, in: ARAM periodical, 31: 1 & 2, 467–498.
Silver et al. 2019
Minna Silver – Kenneth Silver – Markus Törmä – Milton Nuñez – Jari Okkonen, Challenging the Inivisibility of Mobile Cultures: Remote Sensing, Environment and Archaeology in the Near East. in: Raffaella Brumana and Grazia Tucci (eds.), 2019 GEORES – 2nd International Conference of Geomatics and Restoration, 8–10 May 2019, Milan, Italy, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W11,1065–1072.
Silver et al. 2020
Minna Silver – Kenneth Silver – Markus Törmä – Milton Nuñez – Jari Okkonen – Tuula Okkonen, Remote Sensing Roman and Byzantine Eastern Frontier Zone in Landscape: Case Studies for Syria and Turkey, in: Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G., Themistocleous, Kyriacos, Cuca, Branka, Agapiou, Athos, Lysandrou, Vasili, Lasaponara, Rosa, Marsini, Nicola, Schreier, Gunter (eds.) Remote Sensing For Archaeology and Cultural Landscapes, Best Practices and Perspectives Across Europe and the Middle East, Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammery, Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 153–176.
Silver 2021a (in press)
Minna Silver, SYGIS –The Anatomy of the Jebel Bishri Project in Syria: Remote Sensing, Archaeological Surveying, Mapping and GIS Studies with Education, in: Minna Silver (ed.) Challenges, Strategies and Hi-Tech Applications for Saving Cultural Heritage of Syria, , OREA Series, Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2021, 73–96.
Silver 2021b (in press)
Minna Silver (ed.) Challenges, Strategies and Hi-Tech Applications for Saving Cultural Heritage of Syria, OREA Series, Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2021.
Amorilaiset – paimentolaisuuden ja pysyvän asumismuodon välillä
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Jebel Bishri project, YLE, Prisma, TV 1, Finland 2003, 2004.
Shavit, Elinoar 2008. Medical Mushrooms: Truffle Roasting in the Evening Fires: Pages from the History of Desert Truffles, in Fungi, Vol. 1:3, Special issue, 18–
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Palva, Heikki 2013. Arabialaisen Lähi-idän ovia raottamassa – arabikulttuurin ja kielen tutkimus Suomessa, Opening of the Gates of the Arab Middle East – About research of the Arab culture and language in Finland, in: Marhaba, Vuosikirja 2013, Suomalis-arabialainen yhdistys ry; Yearbook of the Finnish-Arabic Society, 22–41.
Karlsson, Sanna 2015. "Palmyra var en guldgruva för arkeologer", in: Hufvudstadsbladet 4.9.2015.
Pettersson, Maria 2015a. Suomalainen arkeologi pelkää Palmyran aarteiden puolesta. "Baalin temppeliä on jo vahingoitettu": Suomalaisryhmän löydökset jäivät Isisin valtaamaan Palmyraa, in: Helsingin Sanomat 21.5.2015.
Pettersson, Maria 2015b. Isis uhkaa Palmyran aarteita: suomalaisarkeologien löydökset jäivät ISISin valtaamaan Palmyraan, in: Helsingin Sanomat 22.5.2015.
Tuohinen, Petteri 2016. Isis saattoi tuhota suomalaistenkin löydöt Palmyrassa, in: Helsingin Sanomat 30.3.2016.
Two radio interviews in the program The Book and the Spade on Harran in Turkey by Gordon Govier in the USA, 2016.
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