Reco intervention

This section contains information about the Reco intervention and its aims.

In the project, Aided Communication in Rehabilitation, we have developed a new intervention called Reco© (Relaxed Communication). Our aim is to study its effectiveness in everyday life.

The Reco intervention aims to increase the understanding of aided communicators and their communication partners regarding aided interaction. The goal of Reco is to positively impact the quantitative and qualitative use of communication aids in everyday life.

Theoretically, Reco is based on conversation analysis and studies of aided interaction. It combines three evidence-based strategies to facilitate positive change in rehabilitation: 1) equal rehabilitation partnership between all participants, 2) individual and concrete goals, and 3) reflecting on videos from everyday interaction. 

Reco is specifically designed for children and adolescents who utilize communication aids, as well as their communication partners. The program is implemented through group meetings that include the child or adolescent, their parents, early childhood education or school personnel, and a speech and language therapist (SLT) who facilitates the sessions.

The intervention period of Reco lasts for one semester and includes eight sessions. During the preparation phase, the child's life's highlights and challenges are reviewed, and the participants practice using the observation tool with the help of model videos. In the video work phase, participants observe and discuss videos from the child's everyday life and utilize the observation tool. In the goal-setting phase, participants plan two goals for the child and two for the adults and implement these goals in daily life. During the final session, the participants evaluate the realized activities and possible changes.

The Reco process can be conducted by an SLT trained for it. So far, seven SLTs from the Learning and Consulting Centre Valteri have received Reco training. In the future, the training is intended to be offered more widely to SLTs in Finland and the next training is likely to be in the fall of 2025.