The Green Economy: Pragmatism or Revolution?

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D'Amato, D., Droste, N., Chan, S., Hofer, A., 2017. The Green Economy: Pragmatism or Revolution? Perceptions of Young Researchers on Social Ecological Transformation. Environmental Values, 26(4): 413-435. DOI:


Abstract The Green Economy is a strategic development concept of the United Nations incorporating a broad array of potential meanings and implications. It is subject to academic conceptualisation, operationalisation, reflection and criticism. The aim of our paper is to conceptualise a subset of the multi-faceted and at times polarised debate around the implications and applications of the Green Economy concept, and to provide reflective grounds for approaches towards the concept. By using qualitative content analysis and a participatory approach, we investigate perceptions of young researchers from various disciplines working on issues related to the Green Economy. The spectrum of disparate perceptions observed among the respondents is accommodated within a two-dimensional model. The dimensions are 1) the degree and nature of desired societal change in relation to the current economic model and set of institutions; and 2) the role of research in delivering such change. We discuss the model in light of the existing literature. Keywords Green economy; pragmatism; radicalism; social ecological transformation; value pluralism