Roundwood and forest industry products markets, trade and marketing, wood construction business development, product and service quality, land owner and consumer behaviour, forest industry business strategy analyses, bio-energy markets and policies.
Main projects: Hyytiälä Living Lab, KÄPY (2016-2019), Wood Vision 2025 (2018-2019).
Tel. +358 05 03149158
Web: Researchgate
Responsible business management in bioeconomy, corporate sustainability, organizational innovation, international trade of forest products, sustainable consumption, timber supply behaviour, forest bioenergy.
Main projects: DECARBON, PERFORM (2018-2022), FORPLAN (2019-2021), ORBIT (2017-2020), NOFOBE (2016-2020), CEGEBE (2016-2018), HU-CIFOR (2016-2017), FORESCOF (2014-2017), ESGRI (2013-2017), W3B (2013-2016).
Tel. +358 50 4150219
Skype: anne.toppinen
Web: Researchgate, Google scholar
Bioeconomy, forest business economics, forest sector and clean transformation, forests and energy sector, natural capital valuation, pulp and paper industry, responsible business, sustainable transformation
Main projects: PHOENIX, ORBIT (2017-2020)
Tel. +358 50 4798626
Web: Researchgate, Google Scholar
Roundwood and forest industry products markets, trade and marketing, wood construction business development.
Main projects: FORPLAN (2019-2021).
Tel. +358 09 191 57982
Web: Researchgate, Google scholar, Tuhat
Consumer economics in bioeconomy, socio-cultural consumer research, consumer-driven service development, sustainability in everyday life.
Main projects: DECARBON, ORBIT (2017-2020).
Web: Researchgate, Google scholar
Forest products markets, structural changes, wood construction, new wood-based products, sustainable production and consumption, climate change mitigation, LULUCF, forest sector foresight and outlook studies, futures studies, forest economics, forest sector modelling, econometrics.
Main projects: REDEEM (2022-2027), ForestNavigator (2022-2026), MeeMi (2020-2023), SubWood (2020-2022).
Web: Researchgate
Interests: Co-management systems for the sustenance of natural resources; People-nature relations in the context of National Parks and other forms of protected areas; Anthropological inquiry and Qualitative methods in the Social Sciences; Use of Interdisciplinary theories on Power, Knowledge-integration, Agency, Socio-ecology, and Cultural Resilience.
Main projects: GreenPole (2021-2025)
Tel. +358 29 415 7987
End-user approach to development of wood-based construction sector, with focus on wooden multistorey buildings, health and wellbeing effects of wood buildings, drivers and barriers for the industry development.
Main projects: Hyytiälä Living Lab, KNOW (2020-2022)
Tel. +358 40 9005610
Environmental and resource economics, forest economics, bioeconomy, forest industry and climate policy instruments, forest management and water protection, peatland forestry, behavior of forest owners related to management of peatland forests, agriculture and carbon farming.
Main projects: PHOENIX, Digi4CSA, VESIMASSI
Web: Google scholar
Research Interests: Substitution impact of wood products, climate change mitigation potential of forest sector, life cycle assessment, industrial ecology modeling, total factor productivity and environmental efficiency
Main projects: REDEEM (2022-2027), ForestNavigator (2022-2026)
Research fields of interest include: Biodiversity conservation, Participatory approaches, Wildlife management.
PhD research focuses on Payment for Ecosystem Services as a means to enable wildlife conservation and reduce conflicts in community reserves (i.e., protected areas) within Punjab, India. This research is carried out as an employee of the Indian Forest Services.
Tel. +358 44 958 2858
WhatsApp: +91 8130930383
Web: Academia
Interests: Local policy network, public-private partnership, and industry capabilities toward circular economy on wood-based construction in Finland. Employing policy network theories and social network analysis as an analytical approach.
Main projects: DECARBON HOME (2020-2023)
Sustainability assessment of bioeconomy, life cycle assessment, absolute environmental sustainability assessment, climate change mitigation through wood use, substitution impact of wood products
Main projects: CIMANET Doctoral Education Network (2024–2027)
Sustainability of wood construction, life cycle assessment, climate change mitigation through wood use, social impacts of the built environment, user perceptions and social acceptance of wood construction.
Main projects: Hyytiälä Living Lab
As part of the DECARBON HOME -project I study actor networks in the low carbon building and pathways towards sustainability transition. The research connects many fields and areas, such as environmental policy, future studies, eco-innovation and hybrid solutions of sustainable construction, including multistorey wood construction.
Main projects: DECARBON (2020-2023)
Tel. +358 50 5996497
Twitter: @anneviljanen
Research interests: Quantitative sustainability assessment, life cycle assessment, circular economy, input output analysis, material flow analysis, dynamic modeling, mycoprotein, wood for textile/construction
Main projects: BIOMAD: Towards consequential life cycle assessment in bioeconomy: Market dynamics in wood and food sectors, 2023-2027.
Tel. +358 442477443
Economics of forest management, climate change and the forest sector, applications of operations research in forest economics, business economics and finance in the forest sector
Projects include: PERFORM (2018-2022), ECOSUS 2013-2016, LOGGING 2018.
Web: Researchgate, Google scholar, Tuhat
Socio-ecological systems (biodiversity and ecosystem services), business sustainability, sustainability narratives (e.g. green, bio and circular economy) and sustainability transformations.
Projects include: GreenPole, PERFORM (2018-2022), OPES (2018-2021), CEGEBE (2016-2018), HU-CIFOR (2016-2017), ESGRI (2013-2016). PhD dissertation here.
Web: Researchgate, Google scholar, Tuhat
Researching the possibility of engaging in environmentally sustainable business by utilizing “Industry 4.0 Technologies”. The main topics in the research are environmental sustainability, international business and marketing, and Industry 4.0.
Forest Economics, forest products marketing, strategic foresight, corporate foresight, open foresight, sustainability, strategic Management
Main projects: MEEMI (2020-2022)
How local public administrations influence the diffusion of wooden multistory construction in Finland. Citizen acceptance for wooden multistory construction across Europe.
Projects: KÄPY (2016-2019), KNOW (2020-2022), DecarbonHome (2020-2023)
Economics of forest management, especially taking quality and climatic implications into account. An example of recent research here.
Non-industrial private forest owners in Finland and multiple use of forests. In particular, changing forest owner motivations, objectives as well a as their service needs and expectations. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are employed. PhD thesis (2019) available here and another example of research here.
Competitiveness, sustainability, internationalization and trade, bioeconomy businesses, system transformation. Recent PhD dissertation here.
Projects include: PERFORM (2018-2022), FORPLAN (2019-2021), ORBIT (2017-2020).
Public policy, Collaborative governance, Land use policy, Network analysis, Ecosystem-based management, Large-scale land-based investments. An example of recent research here.
Projects include: PERFORM (2018-2022) and HU-CIFOR (2016-2017).
End-user Approach to Development of Business Ecosystems in the Wood-Based Building Sector, with focus on the role of environmental sustainability criteria. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are employed.
Main project: Käpy (2017-19), in particular “Living in a wooden high-rise - The expectations and needs of consumers”.
Research topics include decision support services for private forest owners and use of knowledge in multiple use forests and forestry, and the forest identities and forest relationships of Finnish citizens. Doctoral dissertation (2020) available here.
Projects include: VaiMetsä 2019-2021.
Forest planning practices, service development, non-industrial private forest owners, forest owners’ objectives, sustainable forest use, democracy and power, social conservation sciences, critical discourse analysis.
Dept. Forest Sciences, Viikki
Latokartanonkaari 7
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 44 9118160