ViPS Invited Seminar June 2021

Malin Elfstrand, SLU Uppsala, Sweden

Date: 16th June 2021

Time: 13:00

Title: Genetic control of pathogen resistance in forest trees

Location: Remotely via Zoom

Host: Anna Kärkönen

Abstract: Trees are expected to cope with the attack of multiple pathogens, often simultaneously during their long lifespan. However, the genetic and molecular mechanisms controlling this process are poorly understood. The work in our research group aim to improve the understanding of the interactions between the trees and pathogens and integrate knowledge on disease resistance into tree breeding and conservation programs.

The focus of the talk will be results from our work with the conifer Norway spruce (Picea abies) and the sympatric congeners Heterobasidion parviporum and Heterobasidion annosum s.s., two pathogenic fungi causing stem and root rot in Norway spruce. I will discuss the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying variation in resistance/susceptibility to these pathogens based on the results from linkage- and association genetic studies and our work to understand the function of identified candidate genes through combinations genetics, transcriptomics and metabolomics. I will also discuss the genetics underlying variation the assembly of the fungal communities inhabiting the Norway spruce phyllosphere.

Read more about the Elfstrand lab

Related publications:

Malin Elfstrand, John Baison, Karl Lundén, Linghua Zhou, Ingrid Vos, Hernan Dario Capador, Matilda Stein Åslund, Zhiqiang Chen, Rajiv Chaudhary, Åke Olson, Harry X. Wu, Bo Karlsson et. al. Association genetics identifies a specifically regulated Norway spruce laccase gene, PaLAC5, linked to Heterobasidion parviporum resistance. 10 April 2020

Malin Elfstrand, Linghua Zhou, John Baison, Åke Olson, Karl Lundén, Bo Karlsson, Harry X. Wu, Jan Stenlid, M. Rosario García-Gil Genotypic variation in Norway spruce correlates to fungal communities in vegetative buds. 22 November 2019

Miguel Nemesio-Gorriz, Almuth Hammerbacher, Katarina Ihrmark, Thomas Källman, Åke Olson, Martin Lascoux, Jan Stenlid, Jonathan Gershenzon, Malin Elfstrand Different Alleles of a Gene Encoding Leucoanthocyanidin Reductase (PaLAR3) Influence Resistance against the Fungus Heterobasidion parviporum in Picea abies. August 2016