Teemu Paljakka will be defending his PhD thesis Friday 4.9.2020 at 14 o'clock in Biocentrum 2, Viikinkaari 5, room 2041

Teemu Paljakka (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Forest Sciences) will be defending his PhD thesis Friday 4.9.2020 at 14 o’clock in Biocentrum 2, Viikinkaari 5, room 2041.

Teemu’s thesis is “Tree water transport mediating the changing environmental conditions to tree physiological processes”. The opponent is Professor Jordi Martinez-Vilalta, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. The custos is Professor Teemu Hölttä. The opponent will participate remotely via Zoom. The defense can be followed via Zoom using the following link: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/66942183116?pwd=NmdJTjVFOUhMTm5rSkU2S2VUK2FDdz09 Meeting ID: 66 942 183 116 and Password: 997799.