EuroStorie launch seminar 25.1.2018

The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie) launch seminar, 25 January 2018, University of Helsinki, Runeberg Hall, Fabianinkatu 33, 00100 Helsinki

You can read the abstracts of the presentations here!

14.15-15.15 Keynote speech
Tanja Börzel: Europe in Crises. Research the EU into Demise?
Chair: Pamela Slotte

Kaius Tuori: Narratives of Crisis and the Changing Ideas of Europe: The CoE idea in context
Chair: Reetta Toivanen

15.45-16.15 Coffee break

16.15-17.00 Presentation of the CoE subprojects
Jacob Giltaij: Law and the Uses of the Past
Timo Miettinen: Dis­cov­er­ing the Lim­its of Reason - Europe and the Crisis of Uni­ver­sal­ism
Magdalena Kmak: Mi­gra­tion and the nar­rat­ives of Europe as an “Area of free­dom, se­cur­ity and justice”

17.00-17.45 Roundtable
Roundtable discussion with Pamela Slotte, Jayne Svenungsson, Massimo Fichera, and Sarah Green
Chair: Reetta Toivanen

18.00 Reception
Hosted by Juhana Aunesluoma, the Director of the Network for European Studies, on behalf of the University's Rector, Jukka Kola. Teachers' reading lounge (opettajien lehtisali), University of Helsinki main building (Unioninkatu 34).