Reading Circle – Diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism

The interdisciplinary student’s network on diversity, equity, and inclusion will continue through piloting it as a reading circle during autumn 2024. The plan is to have themed sessions once a month. 

Based on students' feedback, the reading circle will remain an informal space rather than being transformed into structured lectures. Thus, we aim to maintain the reading circle as a space for exploring topics related to antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion through thematic readings that will be provided. Also, it will remain a safe space for students to share issues related to their theses and research challenges regarding these topics, as we have been doing in the past year. 

The supervisors’ network that has been established in tandem with the students’ network to support students through various ways, is now called mentors' network. They will also be involved in the reading circle, each representing a certain topic and theme according to their expertise.  

 The schedule of the reading circles is as follows:  

17 September from 14:00 – 16:00 The theme of the session is antiracism focusing on positionality, academic norms, teaching and learning about race and whiteness. 

Thursday, 10th October from 14:00-16:00 

Wednesday, 13th November from 14:00 -16:00 

Friday, 13th December from 14:00 – 16:00 

  For more information and to confirm your attendance please contact Ameera Masoud