Are you a university professional seeking to deepen your knowledge and expertise in Una Europa topics? We have opportunities to help you thrive.
Our opportunities are tailored to meet the needs of a diverse range of professionals, including those in professional services. We offer you designed opportunities in different areas to empower you to achieve your goals, whether you're seeking to expand your skillset, connect with like-minded professionals, or explore new areas of interest.
Join us in the Una Europa community and contribute to the development of the University of Future.
The Una Europa Staff Week is a face-to-face meeting format for professionals of the different Una Europa universities working in the same administrative areas. The Staff Week will take place at least once a year and focus on two fields of work, such as:
Please read more on the Una Europa web pages: Una Europa Staff Week | Una Europa (
Una Europa "Live my Life" is our joint format for job shadowing. Targeted at administrative professionals at the Una Europa partners, it gives professionals the chance to engage in our network through two weeks of peer-to-peer learning.
Please read more on Una Europa web pages: Una Europa "Live my Life" | Una Europa (
Una Europa launches an annual call for applications for seed funding. The aim of the seed funding initiative is to support the initiation of long-term collaborative activities between the partner universities. The idea is to "plant a seed" that can eventually attract external funding.
University of Helsinki has been coordinating several projects, that have been supported by the Una Europa Seed Funding:
Linguistic variation in postcolonial contexts (LiVaPoCo)
One Health as an emerging focus area for Una Europa (UNA-OH)
The role of academia in transition to sustainable food systems (INSTIL)
Toppling Statues: Public Spaces, Colonial Heritage, and Identities in Europe (EuroStatues)
Please see the professional clusters working for Una Europa Helsinki, find synergies and expand your network:
Clusters of Professionals | Una Europa Helsinki | University of Helsinki