Researcher Forum 2021

The forum featured keynote lectures by Lisa Boden (U Edinburgh) and Anne Toppinen (UH), as well as short presentations by HOH and faculty members.

Monday Au­gust 16, 2021


9:00 Opening and HOH Current Topics

Olli Peltoniemi, HOH Director and Vice Dean on Research

9:15 Keynote lecture: Science for sustainability transition, lesson from HELSUS

Anne Toppinen, HELSUS Director

Chair Janne Lundén

10:00 Member presentations 1a: Infectious diseases

Leena Hanski - Sustainable antichlamydial therapies and biomarkers

Sanna Aarnio - Chlamydiales-bacteria in Finnish birds

Eili Huhtamo - Mosquito-borne viruses in Finland

Anna Hielm-Björkman - Validating the COVID-19 detection dogs

Chair Anna-Riia Holmström

10:45 Break

11:00 Member presentations 1b: Interacting organisms

Tuomas Aivelo - Urban wildlife feeding as a human-animal interaction

Mikael Niku - Crosstalk between the maternal microbiota and the developing fetus

Anna Mykkänen - New trends in equine research

Mikko Kosola - Food control inspection results and incidence of foodborne illnesses

Chair Anna-Riia Holmström


11:45 Lunch break

12:30 Faculty current topics

 Antti Sukura, Dean

12:45 Keynote lecture: The future of One Health

Lisa Boden, University of Edinburgh

Chair Annamari Heikinheimo

13:30 Break

13:45 Member presentations 2a: Therapies and biomarkers

Anna-Riia Holmström - Medication safety risks in veterinary practice

Marja Raekallio - The journey of an academic innovation to a pharmaceutical product

Virpi Sali - Novel salivary biomarker, adenosine deaminase, for veterinary medicine

Emilia Gordin - Novel acute kidney injury biomarkers in dogs

Chair Anna Mykkänen

14:30 Break

14:45 Member presentations 2b: Animal diseases and models

Michael Jeltsch - Origins of the vascular system

Thomas Spillmann - FIN-SAGAS – applied clinical research in small animal gastroenterology

Tarja Pääkkönen - NeuroPet - reseach in neurological diseases

Manal Hemida - DogRisk: Dietary risk factors of canine non-communicable diseases

Chair Anna Mykkänen

15:30 Closing of the forum