The majority of active World Politics PhD-students focus on economic theories and issues of European and world political economy, including political economy approaches to peace and security. We have a lively research seminar that meets biweekly and involves many visiting speakers. If you are interested to join our research community, please contact Professors Heikki Patomäki or Teivo Teivainen.
Research project: China’s rise in the age of secular stagnation
Research project: Labour productivity growth in Europe
Research project: Taloustieteen rooli yhteiskunnallisessa pysyvyydessä ja muutoksessa (Role of Economics in the stability and change of the society)
Research project: A Revised International Clearing Union: Solution to 21st Century Problems?
Research project: Marxist Analysis of Islamic Economics: Theoretical Development in Islamic Economics and Finance
Research project: The Political Economy of Monetary Sovereignty and Macroeconomic Policy Autonomy: Examining Promises and Limitations of the Nation-State-Centric Macroeconomic Governance Architecture
Research project: Power of Knowledge Producers in EU Networks of decision-making and expert knowledge in the European debt crisis in 2010
Research project: Political transformation of central banking after the great financial crisis
Research project: The emergence of Neo-Chartalist - MMT understanding of monetary society into public discourse (Consumer Society Research Center)
Research project: Political Economy of Change in the IMF's Capital Flow Regulation Policy
Research project: Attempts of green transitions in the global market economy. A critical political economy study of energy provisioning, global commodities, and overconsumption
Research project: Universalism, diversity, and the foundation of global ethics