PhD-studies in GPE / World Politics

In terms of PhD-studies, Global Political Economy is part of World Politics in the Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Change.

The majority of active World Politics PhD-students focus on economic theories and issues of European and world political economy, including political economy approaches to peace and security. We have a lively research seminar that meets biweekly and involves many visiting speakers. If you are interested to join our research community, please contact Professors Heikki Patomäki or Teivo Teivainen.

Some of our GPE PhD-students:

Keegan Elmer


Research project: China’s rise in the age of secular stagnation

Merka Hautala


Research project: Labour productivity growth in Europe

Pauli Huotari


Research project: Taloustieteen rooli yhteiskunnallisessa pysyvyydessä ja muutoksessa (Role of Economics in the stability and change of the society)

Niina Kari


Research project: A Revised International Clearing Union: Solution to 21st Century Problems?

Mariam Khawar


Research project: Marxist Analysis of Islamic Economics: Theoretical Development in Islamic Economics and Finance

Konsta Kotilainen


Research project: The Political Economy of Monetary Sovereignty and Macroeconomic Policy Autonomy: Examining Promises and Limitations of the Nation-State-Centric Macroeconomic Governance Architecture

Laura Nordström


Research project: Power of Knowledge Producers in EU Networks of decision-making and expert knowledge in the European debt crisis in 2010

Antti Ronkainen


Research project: Political transformation of central banking after the great financial crisis

Tuomas Soila


Research project: The emergence of Neo-Chartalist - MMT understanding of monetary society into public discourse (Consumer Society Research Center)

Johan Wahlsten

Research project: Political Economy of Change in the IMF's Capital Flow Regulation Policy


Rubén Vezzoni


Research project: Attempts of green transitions in the global market economy. A critical political economy study of energy provisioning, global commodities, and overconsumption

Katri Vihma


Research project: Universalism, diversity, and the foundation of global ethics