FinPharmaNet consists of four Drug Research Doctoral Programmes: DRDP at University of Eastern Finland, DPDR at University of Helsinki, DRDP at University of Turku and DRDP at Åbo Akademi University. These partner universities circulate the management of FinPharmaNet and also the Annual Meetings which are the main regular events in the FinPharmaNet collaboration.
In addition to these four universities, the FinPharmaNet steering group has also representatives from the Universities of Jyväskylä, Tampere and Oulu.
Representatives of the stakeholders are from Fimea, Lääketeollisuus ry - Pharma Industry Finland (PIF), Bayer and Orion Pharma.
Moreover, collaboration is developed with scientific societies especially with the Finnish Pharmacological Society (SFY), Finnish Pharmaceutical Society (SFY), Finnish Society of Toxicology (STY) and Suomen Kliinisen Farmakologian Yhdistys (SKFY).
Professor Mika Scheinin, University of Turku, was nominated as the first leader of the FinPharmaNet network 17.3.2016.
Four national network graduate schools in drug related research (Pharmacy, Clinical drug research, Drug discovery and Toxicology) formed the Finnish Network for Doctoral training in drug research and toxicological research – FinPharmaNet 2007-2011.
FinPharma Doctoral Program (FPDP) was established in 2012 because of the Academy of Finland initiative. FPDP consisted of four sections which were Pharmacy FPDP-P (UH and UEF), Clinical drug research FPDP-C (UH), Drug discovery FPDP-D (UTU) and Toxicology FPDP-T (UEF). These four sections were national networks and Universities of Helsinki (UH), Turku (UTU) and Eastern Finland (UEF) were the functional centers. University of Helsinki was the coordinating University. Universities of Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere and Åbo Akademi were also members of FPDP. FPDP was in action in the years 2012-2015.
The organization of doctoral education was changed in Finland and all national network doctoral programs were run down at the end of 2015. New FinPharmaNet network was established on March 17th 2016.