SYNTHESYS+ funding available to visit LUOMUS collections

LUOMUS is one of the SYNTHESYS+ organisations and we invite scientists not based in Finland to visit our collections. SYNTHESYS+ Transnational Access call 4, deadline 15 June 2022 (17:00 UK time)

Europe's leading natural history museums and biodiversity centres provide transnational access to their collections under European Commission funded SYNTHESYS+ project (2019–2023). Funding is available to provide scientists based in European Member and Associated States to undertake short visits to utilize the collections, staff expertise and analytical facilities for the purposes of their research.

LUOMUS is one of the SYNTHESYS+ organisations and we invite scientists not based in Finland to visit our collections. Our collections include 13.3 million specimens and 110 000 type specimens, and coverage of Northern and Eastern Eurasian areas is particularly good. Parts of lichenized fungi, bryophyte and insect collections are among the most important in the world.

SYNTHESYS+ Transnational Access call 4, deadline 15 June 2022 (17:00 UK time)

  • Funds to support a researcher's travel, accommodation, & subsistence, whilst they complete a short research visit at any one of our TA participating organisations.
  • Access to collection(s), equipment and other research infrastructure(s) named in their proposal.

See FAQ pages for more information.

Contacts in Finnish Museum of Natural History

phone +358 50 4150236 (general guidance, zoology, natural sciences)

SYNTHESYS+ project manager, FI-TAF leader

phone +358 50 4160388 (botany)

FI-TAF deputy leader

FI-TAF Virtual Access coordinator

FI-TAF administrator

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 823827 (H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020/H2020-INFRAIA-2018-1).