Self-directed visit

The Natural History Museum and Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden are suitable for nature trips in all seasons, while Kumpula Botanic Garden is open in the summer.

We encourage teachers to plan visits to our attractions and the lessons given there. For teachers and early childhood educators, entrance is free to all of the public attractions of Luomus.

Admission for self-directed school and daycare groups is €3 per child for each attraction. The outdoor garden in Kaisaniemi is free of charge.

While content related to biology and environmental studies are a natural part of the exhibitions of the Natural History Museum and the greenery of the botanic gardens, these attractions are also great learning environments for the themes of geography, history and social studies, art as well as first language studies. Mathematical skills can be practised in the museum, especially with smaller learners.

The public attractions of Luomus are well suited to groupwork and practising independent study. Further information on the content of the museum’s exhibitions and the themes of the gardens is available in drawers, on information boards and via QR codes.

Before the visit

A visit to the Natural History Museum or the botanic gardens is an exciting experience! You can familiarise yourself with the activities available at Luomus even before your visit. Below is a selection of brief videos on Luomus’s activities for groups of different ages. 

Visitor information

When arriving at the Natural History Museum, coat racks can be found in a separate room close to the ticket desk. There are lockers in the same space. In the lobby, there are four trunks for storing backpacks for groups, with keys available at the ticket desk. There are open tables on the fourth floor landing. 

When visiting the outdoor garden of Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden, maps are available in the black post boxes. Eating is permitted in the outdoor garden; please see the map for the location of waste sorting bins. The outdoor garden is open daily from 9.00 to 20.00. Toilets can be found in the greenhouses, and they are available free of charge during the greenhouse opening hours.

For the outdoor garden, you can download a Finnish-language children’s guide to Kaisaniemi. Guides can also be borrowed from the greenhouse ticket desk. There are three trunks for storing backpacks for groups at the greenhouses. Keys to the trunks can be obtained from the ticket desk. Coat racks and lockers are located in the greenhouse lobby. Unfortunately, eating is not permitted in the greenhouses.

Kumpula Botanic Garden is an adventurous excursion destination for daycare and school groups as well as day camps. Tickets are on sale in the manor building. Toilets can be found on the first floor of the manor. There are no coat racks or storage space for bags at the garden.

Assignments for visits
After the visit

Following your visit, it will be interesting to discuss it together with the group. What left a particular impression? Which content was related to the themes discussed at school or daycare? Taking a walk in the nearby forest is the best way to explore the issues further. In nature, it will be easy to practise the skills and knowledge learned during the visit.

Mappa (in Finnish) is a material bank for environmental education, with plenty of ideas and ready-to-use assignments in support of nature trips and observation. You can use the iNaturalist and Seek apps to practise species identification in both parks and forests. By observing animal droppings, you can find out who lives in the nearby forest. 

Take a virtual tour

The tour in the Change in the Air exhibition sheds light on Earth’s past and transports you through its various eras, depicting the role of humanity in shaping the environment.

The tour has been recorded using a 360-degree technique, enabling you to pause along the way and explore the details of the exhibition all around you. On the walls of the halls, you can find info points, which you can click on for more information on the themes of the exhibition. Be sure to reserving at least 15 minutes for the tour to have enough time to listen to all descriptions and read the additional info screens.